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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
altilis, altilefattened, fat, full, large, rich, abundant, nutritive, nourishing

arvīna, arvīnae fgrease, fat, suet, lard, greasiness, fatness

arvīnula, arvīnulae fgrease, fat, suet, lard, greasiness, fatness

axungia, axungiae faxle-tree grease, wagon grease, grease, fat

carnātus, carnāta, carnātumfleshy, fat, corpulent

corpulēns, corpulentiscorpulent, fleshy, fat

corpulentus, corpulenta, corpulentumcorpulent, fleshy, fat, , corpulent, fleshy, fat, physical, corporeal

crassus, crassa, crassumsolid, thick, dense, fat, gross, greatly, swollen, heavy, stupid, dull, stolid, uncultivated, clumsy

satur, satura, saturumfatted, fat

unguen, unguinis nfatty substance, fat, ointment, unguent

unguinōsus, unguinōsa, unguinōsumfull of fat, full of oil, fat, oily, unctuous

query 1/E (max. 1000): 30 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
abdōmen, abdōminis nfat lower part of the belly, paunch, abdomen, gluttony, sensuality

abdūmen, abdūminis nfat lower part of the belly, paunch, abdomen, gluttony, sensuality

adeps, adipis c (ἄλειφα)soft fat, grease of animals, suet, lard

adipālis, adipāleof fat, with fat, greasy of fat, greasy with fat, greasy

adipātum, adipātī npastry prepared with fat

adipātus, adipāta, adipātumfilled with fat, supplied with fat, fatty, greasy, coarse, gross

adipeus, adipea, adipeumof fat

adips, adipis csoft fat, grease of animals, suet, lard

caro pinguisfat meat

corpus faciōbecome fat, thrive, get stout, become obese, become fat, gain weight, put on flesh

crassātiō, crassātiōnis fthickening, getting fat

crassēscere, crassēscōgrow thick, thicken, grow dense, grow hard, grow large, grow fat

crassificātiō, crassificātiōnis fmaking thick, making fat, thickness

crassificāre, crassificōmake thick, thicken, make fat, fatten

sēmicūpa, sēmicūpae fpot belly, fat paunch

sumen, suminis nbreast of women, sow’s udder, paps of a sow, sow, hog, fat part, richest portion

suppinguis, suppinguesomewhat fat, fatty

taeda, taedae fresinous species of pine-tree, resinous fir wood, resinous pine wood, pitch-pine, pitchpine torch, torch, wedding, marriage, pine board, sawn plank, small piece of fat

turgēscere, turgēscōbegin to swell, swell up, swell, grow fat, grow stout, swell with passion, be inflated, be turgid


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