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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

Mögl. AlternativeD (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
 Wortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgfaste
abstinēre, abstineō, abstinuī, abstentumabstineo 2Wort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
VolltrefferE (max. 100): 7 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
apere, apiōfasten, attach, join, bind, tie to

apere, apōfasten, attach, join, bind, tie to

capistrāre, capistrō, capistrāvī, capistrātumhalter, tie with a halter, bind fast, fasten

dēfīgere, dēfīgō, dēfīxī, dēfīxumfasten down, fasten in, drive, fix into, fasten into, render immovable, fasten, turn intently, let fall, cast down, strike motionless (with astonishment), stupefy, astound, astonish

dēsuere, dēsuōfasten

subtexere, subtexō, subtexuī, subtextumweave under any thing, weave below any thing, join on, fasten, affix, draw before, veil, cover, hide, darken, obscure, conceal, add, annex, append, subjoin, put together, compose, prepare, contrive

vincīre, vinciō, vīnxī, vīnctumbind, bind about, wind about, fetter, tie, fasten, surround, encircle, compress, lace, compass, guard, make firm, harden, fix, fasten, confine, restrain, attach, arrange rhythmically

query 1/D (max. 1000): 1 Ergebnis(se)
 Wortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orglasse fastenabstinēre, abstineō, abstinuī, abstentumabstineo 2Wort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
query 1/D1 (max. 1000): 2 Ergebnis(se)
query 1/E (max. 1000): 38 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adalligāre, adalligō, adalligāvī, adalligātumbind to, fasten to, attach

adiugāre, adiugō, adiugāvī, adiugātumyoke to, fasten to, fasten together, unite, join to, add to

adspargere, adspargō, adsparsī, adsparsum (cf. σπείρω)scatter, strew something on something, sprinkle, spatter over, fasten upon, bestow, bequeath something to, set apart for, add to, join, strew some person or thing with something, splash over, besprinkle, bespatter, bedew, spot, stain, sully, defile, asperse

adspergere, adspergō, adspersī, adspersum (cf. σπείρω)scatter, strew something on something, sprinkle, spatter over, fasten upon, bestow, bequeath something to, set apart for, add to, join, strew some person or thing with something, splash over, besprinkle, bespatter, bedew, spot, stain, sully, defile, asperse

affīgere, affīgō, affīxī, affīxumfix to, fasten to, fasten upon, affix, annex, attach to, imprint on, impress on, impress upon the mind, imprint on the memory

agglūtināre, agglūtinō (adglūtinō), agglūtināvī, agglūtinātumglue to, paste to, solder to, cement to, fit closely to, fasten to

appangere, appangō, appanxī, appactumfasten to

applicāre, applicō (adplicō), applicāvī, applicātum (applicuī, applicitum)join to, fasten to, attach to, affix, bring to, add to, put to, place to, bring near to, add near to, put near to, place near to, connect with, add to a thing

aspargere, aspargō, asparsī, asparsum (cf. σπείρω)scatter, strew something on something, sprinkle, spatter over, fasten upon, bestow, bequeath something to, set apart for, add to, join, strew some person or thing with something, splash over, besprinkle, bespatter, bedew, spot, stain, sully, defile, asperse

aspergere, aspergō, aspersī, aspersumscatter, strew something on something, sprinkle, spatter over, fasten upon, bestow, bequeath something to, set apart for, add to, join, strew some person or thing with something, splash over, besprinkle, bespatter, bedew, spot, stain, sully, defile, asperse

circumfīgere, circumfīgō, circumfīxumfix around, fasten around

circumfīrmāre, circumfīrmōfasten round

clāvāre, clāvō, clāvāvī, clāvātumfurnish with nails, fasten with nails, nail, furnish with prickles, furnish with a purple stripe

clāvō trabālī aliquid fīgōnail something down, , fasten with a large nail, clinch a matter

cōligāre, cōligō, cōligāvī, cōligātumbind together, tie together, fasten together, connect, bind, tie up, unite, combine, connect, join together, restrain, check, stop, hinder

colligāre, colligō, colligāvī, colligātumbind together, tie together, fasten together, connect, bind, tie up, unite, combine, connect, join together, restrain, check, stop, hinder

compēscere, compēscō, compēscuīfasten together, confine, hold in check, repress, curb, restrain, clip, prune, tread, stamp, suppress, repress, restrain, check, cease, forbear

compīscere, compīscōfasten together, confine, hold in check, repress, curb, restrain, clip, , prune, tread, stamp, suppress, repress, restrain, check, cease, forbear

cōnectere, cōnectō (connectō), cōnexuī, cōnexumtie, bind, fasten together, join together, connect, entwine, link together, gather, implicate, involve, connect, join to, annex a logical conclusion, subjoin a logical conclusion

cōnfigere, cōnfigō, cōnfixi, cōnfixumfasten together, nail together, pierce through, transfix, render powerless, render inactive

conligāre, conligō, conligāvī, conligātumbind together, tie together, fasten together, connect, bind, tie up, unite, combine, connect, join together, restrain, check, stop, hinder

cōnectere, cōnectō (connectō), cōnexuī, cōnexumtie, bind, fasten together, join together, connect, entwine, link together, gather, implicate, involve, connect, join to, annex a logical conclusion, subjoin a logical conclusion

convolvere, convolvō, convolvī, convolūtumroll together, roll up, roll round, fasten together, interweave, interlace, unroll, roll up, look over (roll of manuscript)

cuneāre, cuneō, cuneāvī, cuneātumfasten with wedges, wedge up, press in, force in, make wedge-shaped

serāre, serō, serāvi, serātumfasten with a bolt, bar

solidāre, solidō, solidāvī, solidātummake firm, make dense, make solid, make whole, make sound, strengthen, fasten together, confirm, establish, unite, correct

suffīgere, suffīgō, suffīxī, suffīxumfasten beneath, fasten below, fasten on, fix on, affix

superfīgere, superfīgō, superfīxī, superfīxumfasten up, fasten thereupon

suppingere, suppingō, suppēgi, suppāctumfasten underneath, clout

tōnsilla, tōnsillae fshore bollard, sharppointed pole which was stuck in the ground to fasten vessels to the shore

tōnsilla, tōnsillae fshore bollard, sharppointed pole which was stuck in the ground to fasten vessels to the shore


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