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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"fall silent":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Lat. Fund; Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferL (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
  audiri desinoaudīrī dēsinōverhalle
fade away, fall silent
VolltrefferE (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short

query 1/E (max. 1000): 2 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
vōcem abscīdōcut off the word, let it fall silent

query 1/2L (max. 100): 2 Ergebnis(se)
  chartae silentchartae silentdie Gedichte schweigen
the poems are silent
  silent leges inter armasilent lēgēs inter armadie Gesetze schweigen im Krieg
query 1/E (max. 1000): 130 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accēnsī vēlātīkind of supernumerary troops who followed the army to fill the places of any who might fall

accidere, accidō, accidīfall upon, fall down upon a thing, reach a thing by falling, fall out, come to pass, happen, occur, happen to, befall one

accrēscere, accrēscō (adcrēscō), accrēvī, accrētumgrow, become larger by growth, increase, be added to by way of increase or augmentation, be joined or annexed to, fall to one

adcrēscere, adcrēscō, adcrēvī, adcrētumgrow, become larger by growth, increas, added to by way of increase, added to by way of augmentation, be joined or annexed to, fall to one (as an increase of his property)

admīrārī, admīror, admīrātus sumwonder at, be astonished at, regard with admiration, admire, gaze at passionately, strive after a thing from admiration of it, desire to obtain a thing from admiration of it, fall into a state of wonder or astonishment at a thing

adpetere, adpetō, adpetīvī, adpetītumstrive after, try to get, grasp after, go somewhere, come somewhere, approach, arrive at, pressing on, rushing on, attack, fall upon, seize upon, assault, assail, strive after earnestly, desire eagerly, long for, have an appetite for, draw on, draw nigh, approach, be at

adversa quasi perpetuā oblīviōne obruōlet repulsive things fall into permanent oblivion, cover disgusting things with eternal oblivion

advolvī, advolvor, advolūtus sumthrow one’s self at, fall at, fall before, prostrate before

aggredī, aggredior, aggressus sumgo to, approach, apply to, address, solicit, attempt to bribe, attempt to tamper with, go against one in a hostile manner, fall on, attack, assault, undertake, begin, enter upon

alicuī cedōcome to, fall to one (as a possession), fall to his lot or share, accrue

aliēnārī, aliēnot, aliēnātus sumfall into foreign hands

aliēnārī, aliēnot, aliēnātus sumfall under a foreign power

excipere, excipiō, excēpī, exceptumcatch someone falling, reach under someone's arms, support someone when they fall

aliquem iacentem ērigōraise someone from his fall

aliquid illūstrōdrop a spotlight on something, let light fall on something

aliquid oblīviōnī dōconsign something to oblivion, let something fall into oblivion

aliquōs ad dēfectiōnem compellōsome force to fall away, some force to defect, some force to become renegades, some force to desert

allābī, allābor (adlābor), allāpsus sumglide to something, glide toward something, come to something, fly to something, fall to something, flow to something, glide to something

allāpsus, allāpsūs m (adlāpsus)gliding to, a silent approach, a stealthy approach

altius repetōreach out further, fall back further

āmittere, āmittō, āmīsī, āmissumsend away from one’s self, dismiss, let go, let fall, drop, lose

ammīrārī, ammīror, ammīrātus sumwonder at, be astonished at, regard with admiration, admire, gaze at passionately, strive after a thing from admiration of it, desire to obtain a thing from admiration of it, fall into a state of wonder or astonishment at a thing

amōrem capiōfall in love

appetere, appetō, appetīvī (appetiī), appetītumstrive after, try to get, grasp after, go somewhere, come somewhere, approach, arrive at, pressing on, rushing on, attack, fall upon, seize upon, assault, assail, strive after earnestly, desire eagerly, long for, have an appetite for, draw on, draw nigh, approach, be at

artē et graviter dormītāre coepīfall into a sound sleep

artēs mūtaethe silent arts, plastic arts, arts of design

assūdāscere, assūdāscōfall into a violent sweat, sweat profusely

assūdassere, assūdascōfall into a violent sweat, sweat profusely

bellō cadōfall in the war

bracchia collō dōembrace, fall around the neck, wrap the neck around

brevī spatiō sileōbe silent for a short while

cadere, cadō, cecidī, cāsūrusfall down, be precipitated, sink down, go down, sink, fall, decline, set, fall off, fall away, fall out, drop off, be shed, be thrown, be cast, turn up, fall at one’s feet, settle, fall dead, die

cadere, cadō, cecidī, cāsūrusyield to, fall to one’s lot, happen to one, befall, happen, come to pass, occur, result, turn out, perish, vanish, decay, cease, abate, subside, die away

cadō ab aliquōfall from someone's hand

cadō prōlāpsus slip and fall in front

cadūcus, cadūca, cadūcumfalling, fallen, devoted to death, destined to die, inclined to fall, that easily falls, epileptic, frail, fleeting, perishable, transitory, vain, futile, ineffectual, vacant, having no heir

cadunt lapidēs caelō stones fall from the sky

calōrem trahōfall in love

cāsābundus, cāsābunda, cāsābundumready to fall, tottering

cāsitāre, cāsito, cāsitāvīfall repeatedly, drop down

cassābundus, cassābunda, cassābundumready to fall, tottering

cāssitāre, cāssitō, cāssitāvīceaselessly fall, drip down

cāsus urbis Trōiānaefall of the City of Troy

cāsus, cāsūs ma falling, falling down, fall, overthrow, throwing down, destruction, end, moral fall, false step, error, change from a higher to a lower condition, occurrence, event, accident, chance, misfortune, emergency, occasion, opportunity, adverse event, misfortune, mishap, calamity

cataracta, cataractae f (cataractēs, cataractae m) (καταράκτης)waterfall, cataract, the celebrated fall of the Nile, drawbridge, portcullis, water-sluice, floodgate, waterbird

cataractēs, cataractae m (Akk. Sgl. cataractēn)waterfall, cataract, the celebrated fall of the Nile, drawbridge, portcullis, water-sluice, floodgate, waterbird

catarracta, catarractae fwaterfall, cataract, the celebrated fall of the Nile, drawbridge, portcullis, water-sluice, floodgate, waterbird

catarractēs, catarractae m (Akk. Sgl. catarractēn)waterfall, cataract, the celebrated fall of the Nile, drawbridge, portcullis, water-sluice, floodgate, waterbird

cedō in aliquemcome to, fall to one (as a possession), fall to his lot or share, accrue

cernuāre, cernuōthrow or fall head foremost, turn a somersault

cernuārī, cernuor, cernuātus sumfall head over heels, roll over forward, turn a somersault

claudī, claudor, clausus sumfall shut, limp

collabāscere, collabāscōtotter at the same time, be about to fall at the same time, waver with

collābī, collābor, collāpsus sumfall together, fall in ruins, fall in, fall from age, fall down in a swoon, fall down in the death, sink down in a swoon, sink down in the death

colubra restem nōn paritlike produces like, the thorn does not produce grapes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

concadere, concadōfall at the same time, sink down at the same time, collapse

concidere, concidō, concidī (con + cado)fall together, fall down, tumble to the ground, fall down faint, fall down lifeless, fall in battle, fall in combat, be slaughtered, be slain, fall

concidere, concidō, concidī (con + cado)lose strength, lose value, fall to the earth, be overthrown, fail, be defeated, decay, perish, fall, go to ruin, waste away, cease, subside, go down

concurrere, concurrō, concurrī, concursummeet together, dash together, rush together in hostility, engage in combat, join battle, fight, make the same claim, enter into competition with, meet, concur, fall out at the same time, happen, have place together, be coincident

condormīre, condormiōfall quite asleep

condormīscere, condormīscō, condormīvīgo entirely to sleep, fall asleep

cōnfundī, cōnfundor, cōnfūsus sumflow together, run into each other, merge, fall into each other, pour together

congenuclāre, congenuclōfall upon the knees, slump to the knees

conlābī, conlābor, conlāpsus sumfall together, fall in ruins, fall in, fall from age, fall down in a swoon, fall down in the death, sink down in a swoon, sink down in the death

cōnsenēscere, cōnsenēscō, cōnsenuīgrow old together, grow old, become old, become gray, grow old or gray in an occupation, follow an occupation too long, become weak, become infirm, become powerless, waste away, fall into disuse, decay, fade, lose force, lose consideration, lose respect

cōnsilēscere, cōnsilēscō, cōnsilsiluībecome still, to be hushed, keep silent, grow dumb

conticēre, conticeō, conticuībe silent, be still

contingere, contingō, contigī, contāctumseize upon, affect, touch with pollution, pollute, stain, defile, be connected with, be related to, concern, happen to one, befall, fall to one’s lot, succeed in, obtain a thing, happen, fall to, turn out, come to pass

copiā fatīscōfall victim to abundance, succumb to abundance

corpus āmittōbecome poor, become lean, fall off the flesh, lose weight, get skinny

corruere, corruō, corruī, corruitūrusfall together, fall down, tumble down, sink to the ground, fall, rush headlong, bring to the ground, heap together, overthrow, ruin, heap up

crēscō ex aliquōmake a career by someone's fall, get up by someone's fall

damnārī, damnor, damnātus sumfall prey to destruction

dē eōrum vīta silēturone is silent about their life

dē tē cum tacent, clāmanttheir silence about you speaks clearly enough, when they are silent about you, they shout

dēcēdere, dēcēdō, dēcessī, dēcessumgo away, depart, withdraw, retire, withdraw from a former position, disappear, go off, abate, subside, cease, deviate from the right way, give way, yield to another, avoid, shun, escape from, fall short of, degenerate from, turn out, result

dēcidere, dēcidō, dēcidī (de + cado)fall off, fall down, fall down dead, sink down, die, fall, drop, fall away, fail, sink

dēcumbere, dēcumbo, dēcubuīlie down, recline at table, lie ill, be confined by sickness, fall

dēferrī, dēferor, dēlātus sumfall down, get where, get carried away, be carried away, let oneself be carried away, flow down, fall off, crash down, tumble down, drift, drift away, be swept away, be driven

dēfīgere, dēfīgō, dēfīxī, dēfīxumfasten down, fasten in, drive, fix into, fasten into, render immovable, fasten, turn intently, let fall, cast down, strike motionless (with astonishment), stupefy, astound, astonish

dēlābī, dēlābor, dēlāpsus sumfall down, sink down, slip down, glide down, come down, sink, descend, be derived

dēmittere, dēmittō, dēmīsī, dēmissumsend down, drop, let, sink down, bring down, cause to hang down, cause to fall down, lower, put down, let fall, put into the ground, plant, lead down, cast down, let sink

dēruere, dēruō, dēruī, dērutumfall down

dēscendere, dēscendō, dēscendī, dēscēnsumcome down, fall down, sink down, descend, alight, sink, go down, go, come, sink, fall, slope, march down, go into, engage, pass off, pass through, penetrate into, sink deep into, penetrate deeply, lower one’s self

dēscīscere, dēscīscō, dēscīvī (dēsciī), dēscītumfree one’s self from a connection, withdraw, leave, revolt from, desert to, go over to any one, depart, deviate, withdraw from, fall off from, be unfaithful to, fall off to, decline to, degenerate into, degenerate, be transformed

dēscīscō ab aliquōfall away from someone

dēsīdere, dēsīdō, dēsēdī (dēsīdī)sink, fall down, settle down, deteriorate, degenerate

dēesse, dēsum, dēfuībe away, be absent, fail, be wanting, be wanting in one’s duty, not to assist, not to serve, desert one, neglect a person or thing, fall short of, miss, fail to obtain

dicta ā māiōribus repetunt minōrēsAs the twig is bent, so grows the tree, The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, Like father, like son

dīlābī, dīlābor, dīlāpsus sumfall asunder, go to pieces, melt away, dissolve, flow apart, flow away, divide, melt, move away in different directions, flee, escape, scatter, disperse, tumble down, fall to pieces, go to decay, go to ruin, perish, be lost, slip away, vanish, glide away

dolō capiorfall for the bait, get duped

sē apprōnāre, mē apprōnōfall down (upon the knees), kneel

nōn est assiliendum statim ad aliquidyou can't just jump right in with something, you shouldn't fall into the house with the door straight away when you do something

obstinātē taceōpout, play the offended, be unwillingly silent, make a pout

obstinātō silentiō stomachum prae mē ferōpout, play the offended, be unwillingly silent, make a pout

quiēscere, quiēscō, quiēvī, quiētumrest, repose, keep quiet, keep calm, remain neutral, abstain from action, sleep, lie still, be still, be quiet, be silent, suffer quietly, allow quietly, peaceably permit, cease, leave off, desist from, cause to cease, render quiet, stop

silēns, silentisstill, calm, quiet, silent

silentiōsus, silentiōsa, silentiōsumperfectly still, perfectly silent

silentium, silentiī na being still, a being silent, noiselessness, stillness, silence, quietness, freedom from disturbance, faultlessness, perfectness, standstill, cessation, repose, inaction, tranquillity

silēre, sileō, siluībe noiseless, still, silen, keep silence, not to speak of, to keep silent respecting a thing, be still, be quiet, remain inactive, rest, cease

silēscere, silēscōbecome still, become silent, become calm

somnō sempiternō cōnsōpiorfall into a perpetual sleep

sternāx, sternācisthat throws to the ground, that throws his rider, that fall prostrate

stīllāre, stīllō, stīllāvī, stīllātumdrop, trickle, cause to drop, let fall in drops, distil

sub dentem alicuius veniōget into clutches of, fall into claws of

sub oculōrum aspectum cadōfall into the eyes

sub oculōs cadōfall into the eyes

sublābī, sublābor, lāpsus sumfall, glide, sink under, sink down, sink, slip down, glide away

subtacitus, subtacita, subtacitumsomewhat still, silent

succidere, succidō, succidīfall under any thing, be comprehended under, sink under one’s self, sink down, sink

succumbere, succumbō, succubuī, succubitumlay under any thing, put one’s self under any thing, fall down, lie down, sink down, lie down to a man, cohabit with a man, yield, be overcome, submit, surrender, succumb

supercadere, supercadō, supercecidīfall upon, fall over

supercorruĕre, supercorruōfall down thereon

superincidere, superincidō (zu cadere)fall from above, fall down

superruere, superruōfall upon, rush upon

supervenīre, superveniō, supervēnī, superventumcome over, come upon, come to, come in addition to, overtake, come up, arrive, fall upon, leap, cover, be added to, go beyond, surpass, exceed, excel

tacēre, taceō, tacuī, tacitumbe silent, not to speak, say nothing, hold one’s peace, be still, be noiseless, be quiet, be at rest

tacēre, taceō, tacuī, tacitumpass over in silence, be silent respecting a thing

tacitulus, tacitula, tacitulumsilent, without speaking

taciturnitās, taciturnitātis fbeing silent, keeping silent, silence, taciturnity,

[homo]not talkative, of few words, quiet, still, taciturn, silent, noiseless

tacitus, tacita, tacitumthat is passed over in silence, not spoken of, kept secret, unmentioned, that is done without words, assumed as a matter of course, silent, implied, tacit, that exists in silence, secret, hidden, concealed, secretly, unobserved

urbe captāafter the fall of the city, after the capture of the city, after the conquest of the city

urbe expūgātāafter the fall of the city, after the capture of the city, after the conquest of the city

venīre, veniō, vēnī, ventumcome, spring, be descended, appeare, happen, come into, fall into any state, fall into any condition

vōcēs lābunturthe words fall on deaf ears

volūtor ad alicuius pedēsfall at someone's feet, throw oneself at someone's feet

2. Formbestimmung:

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- bei Lewis and Short Wortsuche in Lewis and Short
- in: Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch
- in: Du Cange: Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis
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