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Suchergebnis zu
"external contour":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
circumcaesūra, circumcaesūrae fexternal contour, outline

query 1/E (max. 1000): 1 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
query 1/E (max. 1000): 25 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adpārentia, adpārentiae fbecoming visible, appearing, appearance, external appearance

agere, agō, ēgī, āctumact, perform, deliver, pronounce, do, labor, transact, be occupied with, think upon, have in view, aim at, pass (time), spend (time), conduct, manage, carry on, administer, represent by external action, play

aliēnō inductūfrom external drive, from external impulse,

appārentia, appārentiae fbecoming visible, appearing, appearance, external appearance

auricula, auriculae fexternal ear, ear-lap

bellum circummūrānumforeign war, external warfare, war with the neighboring nations

bellum externumforeign war, external warfare

causa extrīnsecus allātaexternal cause

causa, quae extrīnsecus venitexternal cause

causae extrīnsecus allātaeexternal causes

causae intrīnsecus allātaeexternal causes, causes brought in from outside

cautor aliēnī perīculīdefender of an external danger, defender of a danger from outside

circummūrānus, circummūrāna, circummūrānumaround (but beyond) the walls, outside the walls, external

circumscrīptiō, circumscrīptiōnis fencircling, circle, boundary, limit, outline, contour, circuit, compass, period (verborum), compendious statement, summing up, the limitation of a question by the removal of a circumstance in dispute

color, colōris mcolor, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

colōs, colōris m (altlat.)color, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

condiciō, condiciōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

conditiō, conditiōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

cotis, cotis f (2)skin, hide, leather, rind, surface, the external appearance, surface, outside

cultus, cultūs mstyle of dress, external appearance, clothing, dress, garb, apparel, attire, ornament, decoration, splendid dress, splendor

cutis, cutis fskin, hide, leather, a soft coating, rind, surface, the external appearance, surface, outside

timor externī hostisfear of an enemy from abroad, xenophobia, fear of an external enemy

timor externusfear of an enemy from abroad, xenophobia, fear of an external enemy

timor peregrīnusfear of an enemy from abroad, xenophobia, fear of an external enemy


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