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Suchergebnis zu
"excessive spirits":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 18 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
animō dēmissō sumbe in low spirits

animō sum perculsō et abiectōbe all in low spirits, be all chagrined

cacizotechnos, cacizotechnī mhe who enervates art by excessive polishing, an epithet of the artist Callimachus

calamister, calamistrī m (calamistrum, calamistrī n)hollow, tubular iron for curling the hair, curling-iron, crisping-pin, excessive or artificial ornament, flourish of words

calamistrum, calamistrī nhollow, tubular iron for curling the hair, curling-iron, crisping-pin, excessive or artificial ornament, flourish of words

catatēxitechnos, catatēxitechnī mhe who enervates art by excessive polishing, an epithet of the artist Callimachus

crāpula, crāpulae f (κραιπάλη)excessive wine-drinking, intoxication, inebriation, a resin producing intoxication, which was sometimes mingled with wine

daemonēs adiūrōsummon the spirits

immodestus, immodesta, immodestumunrestrained, excessive, extravagant, immoderate

satyriasis, satyriasis fexcessive sexual excitement, lascivious madness, priapism

sēsquipedālis, sēsquipedāleof a foot and a half, one foot and a half, of an excessive length

sēsquipedāneus, sēsquipedānea, sēsquipedāneumof a foot and a half, one foot and a half, of an excessive length

superexāctiō, superexāctiōnis fdemanding over and above, excessive demand

superlātus, superlāta, superlātumextravagant, excessive, exaggerated

superstitiō, superstitiōnis fexcessive fear of the goas, unreasonable religious belief, superstition, excessive regard, scrupulous observance, object that inspires dread

theūrgia, theūrgiae fsummoning of spirits, magic, theurgy

theūrgus, theūrgī mone who summons spirits, magician, theurgist

tumidī spīritūsambition, excessive ambition


Wortform von: excessive
[12] Vok. Sgl. m. von excessīvus, excessīva, excessīvum
das Maß überschreitend; überhand nehmend; übermäßig groß; verschwenderisch; übermäßigig; maßüberschreitend;
[80] Adv. von excessīvus, excessīva, excessīvum
das Maß überschreitend; überhand nehmend; übermäßig groß; verschwenderisch; übermäßigig; maßüberschreitend;

3. Belegstellen für "excessive spirits"

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