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Suchergebnis zu
"estate manager":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 33 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
āctiōnārius, āctiōnāriī magent, manager, commissioner, middleman, intermediary, mediator, shareholder

āctor equitiīstud manager

āctor, āctōris mone who drives or moves something, he who does any thing, doer, performer, one who brings an action, plaintiff, one who conducts a suit, advocate, agent, attorney, administrator, manager, steward, overseer of property, one who delivers any oral discourse, player, actor

administrātor, administrātōris mhelper, assistant, administrator, manager, conductor

agellus mē alita country estate grants me sustenance

ager avītusancestral estate, family estate, hereditary estate

alīpta, alīptae m (alīptēs, alīptae m) (ἀλείπτης)manager in the school for wrestlers, master of wrestling

alīptēs, alīptae m (ἀλείπτης)manager in the school for wrestlers, master of wrestling

arātiuncula, arātiunculae fsmall arable field, small estate

archīvī praefectusarchive manager, head of the archive

ārea commerciāliscommercial area, industrial estate

ārea industriālisindustrial area, industrial estate, industrial park

casa, casae fany simple house, any poorly-built house, cottage, hut, cabin, shed, country estate, farm

coemptiō, coemptiōnis fpretended purchase of an estate which was subjected to a mock sale for the purpose of divesting it of the burden of certain sacrifices attached to it

coemptiō, coemptiōnis fpretended purchase of an estate which was subjected to a mock sale for the purpose of divesting it of the burden of certain sacrifices attached to it

coerātor, coerātōris mhe who cares for, he who takes charge of a thing, manager, overseer, superintendent, keeper

colōnia, colōniae fpossession in land, landed estate, farm, abode, dwelling, colony, colonial town, settlement, the persons sent for the establishment of such a town, a colony, colonists, planters, colony of bees

Cūmānum, Cūmānī nCumæan region, an estate of Cicero near Cumae

cūragendārius, cūragendāriī mmanager, overseer

cūrātor, cūrātōris mhe who cares for or takes charge of a thing, a manager, overseer, superintendent, keeper, guardian, curator, trustee

dēminūtiō, dēminūtiōnis fdiminution, decrease, lessening, abatement, right of alienation of one’s estate, diminutive form

dīminūtiō, dīminūtiōnis fdiminution, decrease, lessening, abatement, right of alienation of one’s estate, diminutive form

suburbānum, suburbānī nestate near Rome, suburban villa

trānsāctor, trānsāctōris mmanager, transactor

Tūsculum, Tūsculī nCountry estate in Tuskulum

ūsiacus prōcūrātorasset manager

vectīgal possessōribus agrōrum impositumreal estate tax, property tax, land tax

vīlicātiō, vīlicātiōnis fmanagement of an estate in the country

vīlicāre, vīlicōact as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend, live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate

vīlicārī, vīlicor, vīlicātus sumact as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend, live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate

vīlicus, vīlicī m overseer of a farm, overseer of a estate, steward, bailiff, overseer, superintendent, director

vīllicāre, vīllicōact as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend , live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate

xystarchēs, xystarchae mmaster of a xystus, manager of a xystus


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