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Suchergebnis zu
"entirely mysterious":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 27 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
abūtī, abūtor, abūsus sumuse up any thing, use to the end, consume entirely, misuse, abuse, use improperly (of words)

adopertēcovertly, in a dark manner, in a mysterious manner

adopertum, adopertī nthat which is mysterious, mystery

adūsque (= ūsque ad)throughout, wholly, entirely

aliquid partem meī faciōmake something entirely one's own

ambadere, ambadedō, ambadēdīeat around, gnaw around, eat up entirely

collēvāre, collēvōmake entirely smooth, smooth

comedere, comedō, comēdī, comēsumeat entirely up, eat, consume, devour, waste away, pine away, dissipate, spend, squander

commalaxāre, commalaxō, commalaxātummake entirely mild, soften

commūtāre, commūtō, commūtāvī, commūtātumalter wholly, change entirely, change one’s form of expression, vary one's style, exchange something with another, change, interchange, replace, substitute, barter, traffic, make an exchange, exchange words, discourse, converse

concrūstātus, concrūstāta, concrūstātumentirely covered with a crust, incrusted

condormīscere, condormīscō, condormīvīgo entirely to sleep, fall asleep

conglaciāre, conglaciō, conglaciāvī, conglaciātumturn entirely to ice, freeze up, pass inactively, pass by idly

conquiēscere, conquiēscō, conquiēvī, conquiētumbe entirely easy, be unconcerned, pause, stop, be quiet, enjoy entire repose, find rest, find recreation, find pleasure in something

cōnsimilis, cōnsimilesimilar in all respects, entirely similar, like

contorrēre, contorreō, contorruīdry up entirely, parch, scorch

cūnctimentirely, all together, completely, in a body, collectively

cupiō omnia quaevīsyour wishes are mine, I am entirely at your service

dīcō aliquidclaim something that is not entirely groundless

ex tōtōwholly, completely, entirely, altogether, totally

in tōtumwholly, entirely, altogether, totally, upon the whole, in general

tōtālitercompletely, entirely, totally

tōtēcompletely, entirely, totally

tōtum mē ad alicuius voluntātem nūtumque convertōorientate oneself entirely towards someone, dance to someone's tune

tōtum mē fingō et accommodō ad alicuius arbitrium et nūtumto orientate oneself entirely towards someone

undiquefrom all parts, from all sides, from all places, from every quarter, on all sides, on every part, everywhere, utterly, entirely, completely, in all respects

ūniversātimall together, wholly, entirely


Wortform von: entirely

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