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Suchergebnis zu
"elegance of appearance":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of -

query 1/E (max. 1000): 38 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adpārentia, adpārentiae fbecoming visible, appearing, appearance, external appearance

adparēre, adpareō, adparuī, adparitūruscome in sight, appear, become visible, make one’s appearance, be seen, show one’s self, be in public, appear, appear as servant or aid, attend, wait upon, serve

adspectus, adspectūs mseeing, looking at, look, sight, glance, sense of sight, visibility, appearance, manner of appearance, aspect, presence, mien, countenance, form, color

alicuius fōrmam cōgnōscere studeōmake an effort to get to know someone's appearance

appārentia, appārentiae fbecoming visible, appearing, appearance, external appearance

apparēre, appareō, apparuī, apparitūruscome in sight, appear, become visible, make one’s appearance, be seen, show one’s self, be in public, appear, appear as servant or aid, attend, wait upon, serve

apriculus, apriculī msmall fish, similar in appearance to the wild hog

aspectus, aspectūs mseeing, looking at, look, sight, glance, sense of sight, visibility, appearance, manner of appearance, aspect, presence, mien, countenance, form, color

color, colōris mcolor, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

colōs, colōris m (altlat.)color, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

cōnspectus, cōnspectūs ma seeing, looking at, look, sight, view, range of sight, reach of sight, power of seeing, public attention, notice, presence, proximity, appearance, mental view, glance, survey, consideration, short view, sketch, synopsis

cotis, cotis f (2)skin, hide, leather, rind, surface, the external appearance, surface, outside

cultus, cultūs mcare directed to the refinement of life, arrangements for living, style of life, manner of life, elegance, polish, civilization, refinement, luxury, voluptuousness, wantonness

cultus, cultūs mstyle of dress, external appearance, clothing, dress, garb, apparel, attire, ornament, decoration, splendid dress, splendor

cutis, cutis fskin, hide, leather, a soft coating, rind, surface, the external appearance, surface, outside

decor, decōris mwhat is seemly, what is becoming, comeliness, elegance, grace, beauty, ornament, charms

dicis causā (dicis grātiā)for the sake of judicial form, for form’s sake, for the sake of appearance

lautitia, lautitiae f (πολυτέλεια)elegance, splendor, magnificence

simulācrum, simulācrī nlikeness, image, form, representation, semblance, image, form, shade, phantom, sign, type, emblem, description, similitude, appearance

simulātiō, simulātiōnis ffalsely assumed appearance, false show, feigning, shamming, pretence, feint, insincerity, deceit, hypocrisy, simulation

speciēs, speciēī fseeing, sight, look, view, outward appearance, outside, exterior, shape, form, figure, mien, spectacle, appearance, idea, notion, show, seeming, appearance, semblance, pretence, cloak, color, pretext, appearance in sleep, vision, apparition, reputation, honor, special case

spectrum, spectrī nappearance, form, image

spectus, spectūs m (nur Abl. spectū)look, appearance, aspect

superappāritiō, superappāritiōnis fappearance above

suspīciō, suspīciōnis fmistrust, distrust, suspicion, notion, idea, suggestion, appearance, indication

umbra, umbrae fshade, shadow, uninvited guest, attendant, shady place, that which gives a shadow, trace, obscure sign, obscure image, faint appearance, imperfect copy, imperfect representation, semblance, pretence, cover, protection, rest, leisure

urbānitās, urbānitātis fliving in a city, city life, city fashion, city manners, Refinement, elegance of manner, politeness, courtesy, affability, urbanity, delicacy of speech, elegance of speech, wit, humor, pleasantry, raillery, trickery, roguery, knavery

vadimōnium, vadimōniī npromise secured by bail for appearance on a particular day before a tribunal, bail, security, recognizance, appointment, fixed time

venus, veneris fthe goddess of Love, the planet Venus, love, sexual love, venery, beloved object, beloved, quality that excite love, loveliness, attractiveness, beauty, grace, elegance, charms, highest throw at dice

verbō tenusaccording to the word only, merely according to the word, by all appearances, according to appearance, seemingly, apparently

versipellis, versipellethat changes its shape or form, that alters its appearance, that transforms himself or itself, skilled in dissimulation, sly, cunning, crafty, subtle

vīsiō, vīsiōnis fact of seeing, sense of seeing, sight, vision, a thing seen, an appearance, apparition, image of a thing in the mind, an idea, conception, notion, supposition, case

vīsitātiō, vīsitātiōnis fsight, appearance, visitation, punishment

vīsum, vīsī nsomething seen, sight, appearance, vision, impression, image

vīsus, vīsūs mseeing, looking, look, glance, faculty of seeing, act of seeing, sight, vision, sight, organ of sight, a thing seen, appearance, apparition, seeming, probability

voltus, voltūs mexpression of countenance, countenance, visage, features, looks, air, mien, expression, aspect, face, painted face, portrait, likeness, look, appearance

vorsipellis, vorsipellethat changes its shape or form, that alters its appearance, that transforms himself or itself, skilled in dissimulation, sly, cunning, crafty, subtle

vultus, vultūs mexpression of countenance, countenance, visage, face, painted face, portrait, likeness, look, appearance


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