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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 9 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
assevēranter (adsevēranter)with asseveration, earnestly, emphatically

assevērātē (adsevērātē)with asseveration, earnestly, emphatically

aventereagerly, earnestly

certātimemulously, earnestly, eagerly

contentēearnestly, with great exertion, vehemently

cupienterdesirously, earnestly, eagerly

dēnīxēstrenuously, earnestly, zealously

ēnīxēstrenuously, earnestly, zealously

vehementereagerly, impetuously, ardently, violently, earnestly, vehemently, strongly, forcibly, powerfully, exceedingly, extremely, very much

query 1/E (max. 1000): 25 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adamāre, adamō, adamāvī, adamātumlove truly, love earnestly, love deeply

adiūrāre, adiūrō, adiūrāvī, adiūrātumswear to, confirm by an oath, swear to something in addition, conjure, adjure, beg earnestly, entreat earnestly

adpetere, adpetō, adpetīvī, adpetītumstrive after, try to get, grasp after, go somewhere, come somewhere, approach, arrive at, pressing on, rushing on, attack, fall upon, seize upon, assault, assail, strive after earnestly, desire eagerly, long for, have an appetite for, draw on, draw nigh, approach, be at

adsevērāre, adsevērō, adsevērāvī, adsevērātumdo any thing with earnestness, do earnestly, pursue earnestly, assert strongly, assert firmly, declare positively, affirm, make known, show, prove, demonstrate

aemulus, aemula, aemulumstriving after another earnestly, emulating, rivalling, emulous, vying with, rivalling a thing, comparable to, similar to

appetissere, appetissōstrive for, seek earnestly

appetere, appetō, appetīvī (appetiī), appetītumstrive after, try to get, grasp after, go somewhere, come somewhere, approach, arrive at, pressing on, rushing on, attack, fall upon, seize upon, assault, assail, strive after earnestly, desire eagerly, long for, have an appetite for, draw on, draw nigh, approach, be at

assevērāre, assevērō (adsevērō), assevērāvī, assevērātumdo any thing with earnestness, do earnestly, pursue earnestly, assert strongly, assert firmly, declare positively, affirm, make known, show, prove, demonstrate

avēre, aveō (haveō)wish, desire earnestly, long for, crave

captāre, captō, captāvī, captātumstrive to seize, lay hold of a thing with zeal, catch at, snatch, chase, strive after, long for, desire earnestly, try to obtain, seek to obtain, seek to catch one in a crafty manner

certāre, certō, certāvī, certātumdecide something by a contest, fight, struggle, contend, combat, strive, emulate, vie with, contend at law, strive to do something, labor, endeavor, struggle earnestly, exert one’s self

commonitor, commonitōris mone who earnestly reminds

contendere, contendō, contendī, contentumstrive, dispute, fight, contend against, vie with, vie with in bidding, bid against, place together in comparison, compare, contrast, demand, ask, solicit, entreat, beg earnestly, seek to gain, assert, affirm earnestly, maintain energetically, contend energetically

dēpōscere, dēpōscō, dēpopōscīdemand, require, request earnestly, request for one’s self the performance of any duty or business

dēpostulāre, dēpostulōdemand, require earnestly

dēprecābundus, dēprecābunda, dēprecābundumearnestly entreating


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