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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 5 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
tractāre, tractō, tractāvī, tractātumdrag, tug, haul, touch, take in hand, handle, manage, wield, exercise, practise, transact, perform, handle, manage, practise, conduct, lead, treat, use, conduct one’s self towards a person, investigate, discuss, negotiate

tractūra, tractūrae ftype of drag, drag

traha, trahae fdrag, sledge

trahea, traheae fdrag, sledge

trahere, trahō, trāxī, tractumdraw, drag, haul, drag along, draw off, draw forth, draw away, draw out, pull out, extract, withdraw, draw together, bring together, contract, wrinkle, draw in, take in, quaff, draw up, inhaling, take on, assume, acquire, get, drag away violently, to carry off, plunder

query 1/E (max. 1000): 16 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
abripere, abripiō, abripuī, abreptumtake away by violence, drag away, tear off, tear away

abstrahere, abstrahō, abstrāxī, abstractumdraw away from, drag away, pull away, withdraw, alienate from, divert

adhaerēre, adhaereō, adhaesī, adhaesumcleave to a thing, stick to a thing, cling to, adhere to, be close to a person, be close to a thing, be near, hang on, keep close to, hang on a thing, trail after, drag after, to be the last

adtrahere, adtrahō, adtrāxī, adtractumdraw to, draw toward, attract, drag with force, draw, lead, bring, move, attract

aestātem extrahōspend the summer, drag out the summer

attrahere, attrahō (adtrahō), attrāxī, attractumdraw to, draw toward, attract, drag with force, draw, lead, bring, move, attract

circumtrahere, circumtrahōdraw around, drag around

dēgravāre, dēgravō, dēgravāvī, dēgravātumweigh down, press down, overpower, drag down, burden, incommode

rētibus aequor verrōdrag the sea with nets, fish in the sea with trawl nets

tempus dūcōdrag out the time, protract time

verrere, verrō, verrī (versī), versumscrape, sweep, brush, scour, sweep out, sweep up, sweep together, clean out, cleanse by sweeping, sweep along, drive, impel, sweep away, drag away, take away, carry off, obliterate, cover, hide, conceal


3. Belegstellen für "drag"

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