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Suchergebnis zu
"domesticated animal":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Lat. Fund; Engl. Fund;

query 1/2L (max. 100): 16 Ergebnis(se)
  alia animalia sugunt, alia carpuntalia animālia sūgunt, alia carpuntmanche Tiere saugen, andere weiden (rupfen)
some animals suck, others pluck
  animal denso mollique villo fictumanimal dēnsō mollīque villō fictumPlüschtier
  animal motu cietur interioreanimal mōtū ciētur interiōreein Lebewesen wird von innen in Bewegung gesetzt
a living being is set in motion from within
  animal rodensanimal rōdēnsNagetier
  animal vertebratumanimal vertebrātumWirbeltier
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.organimal, animalis nanimal, animālis nGeschöpf
living being, animal, beast
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  Lebewesen
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  Tier
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
  animalia cibum dentibus capessuntanimālia cibum dentibus capessuntTiere packen das Futter mit den Zähnen
animals grab the food with their teeth
  animalia eius generisanimālia eius generisLebewesen dieser Gattung
creatures of this genus
(im lat. Sprachkurs)
  animalia herbaticaanimālia herbāticaGrasfresser
grazers, grass-eating animals
  animalia noxiaanimālia noxiaSchädlinge
pests, vermins
  chimaera est animal, quod constat e materia genetica humana et ex cellulis ovariis animaliumchimaera est animal, quod cōnstat e māteriā geneticā hūmānā et ex cellulīs ōvāriīs animāliumeine Chimaere ist ein Lebewesen, das aus menschlichem genetischem Material und tierischen Eizellen besteht
a chimaera is a living being composed of human genetic material and animal oocytes, , a fabulous monster in Lycia, which vomited fire; in front a lion, in the hinder part a dragon, and in the middle a goat; slain by Bellerophon
  fictorum animalium villusfictōrum animālium villusPlüsch
  funestum illud animalfūnestum illud animaljenes Untier
query 1/E (max. 1000): 67 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
addāx, addācis m name of a wild animal in Africa, with crooked horns

admissārius, admissāriī mmale animal (horse, ass, , , , ) that is used for breeding, stallion, lewd man

animālis, animālis fliving being, animal, beast

animāns, animantis cliving being, animate being, animal, creature

armus, armī mupper arm, shoulder of an animal where it is fitted to the shoulder-blade

asellus dossuāriuspack mule, pack animal

assis, assis man axletree, about which a round body turns (e, g, a wheel), chariot, car, wagon, axle of a water-clock, axis of the earth, pole, north pole, heavens, a clime (the north, the west), hook on which a hinge turns, valve of a pipe, board, plank, wild animal in India

aurītulus, aurītulī mlong-eared animal, the ass

aurītus, aurītī mthe longeared animal, hare

belba, belbae fbeast, monster, animal, brute

belbus, belba, belbumbrutal, bestial, animal

bellua, belluae fbeast, monster, animal, brute

bēlua, bēluae fbeast, monster, animal, brute

bēluīnus, bēluīna, bēluīnumbrutal, bestial, animal

bēlutus, bēluta, bēlutum similar to an animal

bēluus, bēlua, bēluumbrutal, bestial, animal

bēlva, bēlvae fbeast, monster, animal, brute

bestia terrestrisland animal, terrestrial animal

bestia vectrīxmount, mounted animal

bestia, bestiae f(wild) animal, beast,wild beast

bestiam vēnābulō trānsverberōpierce the animal with the hunting spear

bestiārum genusanimal kingdom

bestiola, bestiolae fsmall animal, little beast

bestiolus, bestiolī msmall animal, little beast

bestius, bestia, bestiumsimilar to a wild animal

bestula, bestulae fsmall animal, little beast

bidēns, bidentis fanimal for sacrifice (swine, sheep, ox), animal for sacrifice whose two rows of teeth are complete

bistea, bisteae f(wild) animal, beast, wild beast

bistia, bistiae f(wild) animal, beast, wild beast

bisulcum, bisulcī nanimal with cloven feet

biūrus, biūrī mname of a rodent animal found in Campania

brūtālis, brūtāleanimal, unreasonable

callum, callī n (callus, calli m)the hardened, thick skin upon animal bodies, hardness, callousness, insensibility, stupidity

callus, calli mthe hardened, thick skin upon animal bodies, hardness, callousness, insensibility, stupidity

caput, capitis nhead, top, summit, point, end, extremity, origin, source, spring, mouth, embouchure, root, top of trees, man, person, animal, physical life, political life

catōblepās, catōblepae mwild animal in Ethiopia, species of buffalo, gnu

catta, cattae funknown species of animal, cat, weasel

clāmor, clāmōris mloud call, shout, cry, friendly call, acclamation, applause, hostile call, clamor, cry of a animal, noise, sound, din

clāmōs, clāmōris mloud call, shout, cry, friendly call, acclamation, applause, hostile call, clamor, cry of a animal, noise, sound, din

clāmōsitās, clāmōsitātis floud call, shout, cry, friendly call, acclamation, applause, hostile call, clamor, cry of a animal, noise, sound, din

clēmēns, clēmentismild, calm, soft, gentle, placid, smooth, quiet, tranquil, kind, tame, domesticated, forbearing, indulgent, compassionate, merciful, mitigated, accessible

conchȳlium, conchȳliī n (κογχύλιον)shell-fish, a testaceous animal, oyster, purple color, purple, purple garments

conquīlium, conquīliī nshell-fish, a testaceous animal, oyster, purple color, purple, purple garments

cornigera, cornigerae fhorned animal, horned cattle

cornipēs, cornipedis mhorn-footed animal (of the horse and of the centaur Chiron)

corocotta, corocottae man unknown witd animal in Ethiopia, (perhaps) the hyena

corocottās, corocottae man unknown witd animal in Ethiopia, (perhaps) the hyena

corpus, corporis nany object composed of materials perceptible by the senses, body, substance, the flesh of animal bodies, the wood under the bark of a tree, a lifeless body, corpse, trunk, the individual, person, the testicles

cremor, cremōris mthick juice obtained from animal or vegetable substances, thick broth, pap

cremum, cremī nthick juice obtained from animal or vegetable substances, thick broth, pap

crocottās, crocottae man unknown witd animal in Ethiopia, (perhaps) the hyena

crocūta, crocūtae man unknown witd animal in Ethiopia, (perhaps) the hyena

dēpectorāre, dēpectorōbleed an animal at the breast

pecus ad vescendum aptaan animal suitable for consumption

scymnus, scymnī myoung animal, cub, whelp

spolium, spoliī nthe spoil of an animal, the skin of an animal stripped off

spurium, spuriī nfemale genital, marine animal of a similar shape

strepsicerōs, strepsicerōtis mkind of animal with twisted horns, called by the Africans adax

summārius, summāriī mpack mule, pack animal

sȳcōtum, sȳcōtī nliver of an animal fattened on figs

tergum, tergī nback part, hinder part, back, rear, surface, body of an animal, covering of the back, skin, hide, leather, thing made of hide or leather

torus, torī mswelling place, bulging place, elevation, protuberance, prominence, muscular part, fleshy part, muscle, brawn of animal bodies, bulge of trees, thickness of trees

victimātor, victimātōris msacrificial animal slaughterer, sacrificial animal butcher

volvula, volvulae flittle womb or matrix of an animal

vulvula, vulvulae flittle womb or matrix of an animal

2. Formbestimmung:

Wortform von: domesticated

3. Belegstellen für "domesticated animal"

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- in: Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch
- in: Du Cange: Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis
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