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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 38 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
abiūdicāre, abiūdicō, abiūdicāvī, abiūdicātumdeprive one of a thing by judicial sentence, declare that it does not belong to one, abjudicate

abūsus nōn tollit ūsumthe abuse does not abolish the use, the exception proves the rule

āctor, āctōris mone who drives or moves something, he who does any thing, doer, performer, one who brings an action, plaintiff, one who conducts a suit, advocate, agent, attorney, administrator, manager, steward, overseer of property, one who delivers any oral discourse, player, actor

ager restibilisfield that is sown annually, field that does not lie fallow

ager sterilis estthe field does not bear fruit

agēratos, agēratonplant that does not readily wither

aliquem nōn dēterreō, quīn..does not stop one from

aliquid ad fīnem nōn venitsomething does not achieve its purpose, something fails to achieve its purpose

aliquid ad irritum cadit (in irritum cadit)something does not gain validity

aliquid ad irritum cadit (in irritum cadit)something fails, something does not prevail, something is thwarted

aliquid ad irritum redigitur (in irritum redigitur)something fails, something does not prevail, something is thwarted

aliquid parum prōcēditsomething does not succeed, something falls short of expectations

alogos, alogondestitute of reason, irrational, one that does not correspond with another, irregular, which corresponds with no kind of measure

alogus, aloga, alogumdestitute of reason, irrational, one that does not correspond with another, irregular, which corresponds with no kind of measure

assolēre, assolet (assolent)it does happen, it is customary

atheos, atheī mhe that does not believe in God, atheist

atheus, atheī m (atheos, atheī m)he that does not believe in God, atheist

cernuus, cernuī mwho does a cartwheel, who does a somersault, juggler

cibārī nōlōdoes not want to eat

colubra restem nōn paritlike produces like, the thorn does not produce grapes, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

cōmī expolīrīque nōn debet ōrātiōthe speech does not need to be smoothed out and dressed up

cōmoedia in cothurnōs nōn adsurgitcomedy does not rise to the momentum of tragedy

cuī bonō ?who does it benefit?, who benefits?

cuius sapōris est haec cofēa?how does this coffee taste

cuius studium illā historiae varietāte nōn ērēctum tenētur?who does not read with pleasure a story filled with such different coincidences?

cūr deōs nihil agere et cessāre patitur?why does he tolerate the gods doing nothing and being idle?

diatrētārius, diatrētāriī mone who does perforated or filigree work, turner, carver

inhūmānus, inhūmāna, inhūmānumnot suitable to the human condition, that does not befit a human being, unpolished, uncivil, unmannerly, ill-bred, churlish, discourteous, superhuman, godlike

quod ut nē accidat cavendum estone must be careful that this does not happen

syllēpsis, syllēpsis fsyllepsis, grammatical figure, by which one word is referred to another to which it does not grammatically belong

ūsuārius, ūsuāria, ūsuāriumthat is used, that made use of, whom one has the use of, but does not own

ut valētur?how's it going?, how does one feel?

utinam abīret! (unerfüllbar / Gegenwart)oh let him go away! (unfortunately he does not go away)

vēnātum dūcō invītās canēsforce someone, even if he does not want

videant cōnsulēs, nē quid rēs pūblica dētrīmentī capiatthe consuls may take care that the state does not suffer any damage (SCU)

virtūs nūllam requīrit voluptātemvirtue does not require lust

volēns, volentisone who wishes, one who intends, one who is about, one who is willing, one who consents, one who does a thing voluntarily

voluptās nūllum habet cum virtūte commerciumpleasure does not go together with virtue


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