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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
Bestimmung lateinischer Wortformen
(4) Bei Wendungen findet man ggf. die vollständige Wendung, bzw. einzelne Wörter

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 4 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aeger, aegra, aegrumill, sick, unwell, diseased, suffering, troubled, anxious, dejected, sad, sorrowful, infirm, weak, feeble, evil, envious, sad, sorrowful, grievous, unfortunate

aegrōtus, aegrōta, aegrōtumill, sick, diseased

causārius, causāria, causāriumsick, diseased, ill, discharged on account of ill health, invalid

vitiōsus, vitiōsa, vitiōsumfull of faults, full of defects, faulty, defective, bad, corrupt, diseased, morally faulty, wicked, depraved, vicious

query 1/E (max. 1000): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cataclysmos, cataclysmī mdeluge, flood, inundation, pouring of water upon a diseased member, shower-bath, douche

cataclysmus, cataclysmī mdeluge, flood, inundation, pouring of water upon a diseased member, shower-bath, douche

coeliacus, coeliacī mone diseased in the bowels

specillum, specillī nsurgical instrument for examining diseased parts of the body, probe

suffrāginōsus, suffrāginōsa, suffrāginōsumdiseased in the hough, diseased in the pastern

veterīnārium, veterīnāriī nplace for taking care of diseased animals

vitiōsās partēs exsecōcut out diseased parts of the body


Wortform von: diseased

3. Belegstellen für "diseased"

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