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Suchergebnis zu
"der ring":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: der -

query 1/E (max. 1000): 47 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aliquem ānulum ēlūdō, ēlūsī, ēlūsumwin a ring from someone at play

ānellārius, ānellāriī mring manufacturer, ring smith, ring fabricator

ānellus, ānellī mlittle ring

annellus, annellī mlittle ring

annulātus, annulāta, annulātumfurnished with a ring, ornamented with a ring, fettered

annulus annulī mring, finger-ring, seal-ring, signet-ring, ring for curtains, link of a chain, curled lock of hair, ringlet, round ornament upon the capitals of Doric columns, rings made of willow rods

ānsula, ānsulae flittle handle, small ring, small hook, small loop at the edge of sandals for the ties

ānulārium, ānulāriī naward of a ring

ānulātus, ānulāta, ānulātumfurnished with a ring, ornamented with a ring, fettered

ānulō litterās obsīgnōseal the letter with the signet ring

ānulum induōput on a ring

ānulus cassusring without stone, stoneless ring

ānulus equestergolden ring of knighthood

ānulus sigillārīciusseal ring, signet ring

ānulus, ānulī mring, finger-ring, seal-ring, signet-ring, ring for curtains, link of a chain, curled lock of hair, ringlet, round ornament upon the capitals of Doric columns, rings made of willow rods

ānulus, ānulī mring, finger-ring, seal-ring, signet-ring, ring for curtains, link of a chain, curled lock of hair, ringlet, round ornament upon the capitals of Doric columns, rings made of willow rods

ānus, ānī manus, the posteriors, butt, buttocks, bottom, fundament, diseases of the anus, piles, haemorrhoids, iron ring for the feet

armilla, armillae fcircular ornament for the arm, bracelet, armlet, iron hoop, ring, ferrule

aureolus ānellusbeautifully crafted gold ring

aurum, aurī ngold, things made of gold, an ornament of gold, a golden vessel, a golden utensil, chain, buckle, clasp, necklace, jewelry, ring, fleece, hairband, lustre of gold, gleam of gold, brightness of gold

bēryllus, bēryllī ma precious stone of a sea-green color, coming from India, beryl, a ring with a beryl, sapphire

canthus, canthī miron ring around a carriage-wheel, tire, wheel

cērōma, cērōmae fointment for wrestlers, place for wrestling, ring, c, ,

cērōma, cērōmatis n (Abl. Pl. cērōmatīs)ointment for wrestlers, place for wrestling, ring, combat, swelling, tumor

cesticillus, cesticillī ma roll or hoop placed upon the head for the purpose of carrying the vessels at public sacrifices, , small ring or hoop placed upon the head to support a burden

chorēa, chorēae f (Akk. choreān)dance in a ring, dance, the circular motions of the stars

chorus, chorī mdance in a ring, choral dance, dance, the harmonious motions of the heavenly bodies, troop or band of dancers and singers, chorus, choir, the heavenly bodies moving in harmony, multitude, band, troop, crowd

circellus, circellī ma small ring

circlus, circli mcircular figure, circle, circular course, orbit, zone or belt of the earth’s surface, ring, necklace, hoop, chain, circle for social intercourse

circulus murī exteriorthe outer ring of the wall

circulus, circulī mcircular figure, circle, circular course, orbit, zone or belt of the earth’s surface, ring, necklace, hoop, chain, circle for social intercourse

circummūrāle, circummūrālis wall, ring wall

circumtinnīre, circumtinniōring around, tinkle around

comārum ānulushair ringlet, hair ring

condalium, condaliī na little ring for slaves, title of a comedy not now extant

crystallum, crystallī n (crystallus, crystallī f)ice, crystal, mountain-crystal, rock-crystal, rystal vase for drinking, the glittering precious stone of a ring

dē digitō ānulum dētrahōpull the ring off the finger

digitus ānulārisring finger

sīgnum, sīgnī nmark, token, sign, indication, military standard, ensign, banner, image, figure, statue, picture, device on a seal ring, seal, signet, sign in the heavens, a constellation, miraculous work

subiungere, subiungō, subiūnxī, subiūnctumjoin to, add to, annex, affix, subjoin, ring under, make subject, subordinate, subdue, subject, subjugate, put in the place of, substitute

tēlephōnāre, tēlephōnōcall by phone, ring up, telephone

tinnīre, tinniō, tinnīvī (tinniī), tinnītumring, chink, clink, jingle, tinkle, tingle, clink money, pay, have a sharp voice, have a shrill voice, cry, scream, sing

tintinnīre, tintinniōring, clink, clank, jingle, tingle

tintinnāre, tintinnōring, clink, clank, jingle, tingle

tintināre, tintinōring, clink, clank, jingle, tingle

ululāre, ululō, ululāvī, ululātumhowl, yell, shriek, utter a mournful cry, ring, resound, re-echo, howl forth, utter with howlings, cry out, wail over, howl over, fill (a place) with howling, fill (a place) with yells, fill (a place) shrieks

ungulus, ungulī mfinger-ring, ring


Wortform von: der
[37] 1. Sgl. Konj. Prs. Pass. von dare, dō, dedī, datum (δίδωμι)
gebe; reiche; gebe hin; reiche dar; gebe her; überreiche; gestehe zu; räume ein; zahle; zahle aus; überlasse; schenke; biete an; übergebe; vertraue an; liefere aus; gebe mit; stelle zur Seite; verleihe; bewillige; lasse zu; widme; rechne zu; schreibe zu; gebe von mir; lasse hören; liefere; händige aus; vergebe;

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