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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 5 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
affectēwith (a strong) affection, deeply

altē (altius, altissimē)high, deep, on high, high up, from on high, from above, deeply, profoundly, far, from afar

artēclosely, close, fast, firmly, strongly, deeply


ex animōfrom the heart, from the bottom of one’s heart, deeply, truly, sincerely

query 1/E (max. 1000): 25 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adamāre, adamō, adamāvī, adamātumlove truly, love earnestly, love deeply

aere aliēnō dēmersus sumare deeply in debt

aere aliēnō obrutus sumare deeply in debt

aliquid in animō penitus īnfīxum estsomething has been deeply imprinted on the heart

aliquid in animō penitus īnsēditsomething has been deeply imprinted on the heart

altissimē sedēnsdeep-seated, deeply rooted

altissimīs rādīcibus dēfīxusvery deeply rooted

artē aliquem dīligōlove someone deeply

artō et gravī somnō somnō sōpiorsleep soundly, sleep deeply and soundly

congemīscere, congemīscōsigh deeply

congemere, congemō, congemuīsigh deeply, groan deeply, sigh loudly, groan loudly, heave a sigh

dēfossus, dēfossūs ma digging deeply

dēpressiusmore deeply

dēquerī, dēqueror, dēquestus sumdeeply , deplore, bitterly, complain of

dēscendere, dēscendō, dēscendī, dēscēnsumcome down, fall down, sink down, descend, alight, sink, go down, go, come, sink, fall, slope, march down, go into, engage, pass off, pass through, penetrate into, sink deep into, penetrate deeply, lower one’s self

dēsūbulāre, dēsūbulō, dēsūbulāvībore in deeply

suspīriōsus, suspīriōsa, suspīriōsumbreathing deeply, breathing with difficulty, breathing short, asthmatic

suspīritus, suspīritūs mbreathing deeply, breathing with difficulty, deep breath, sigh

vallis in altitūdinem dēpressadeeply cutting valley

vulnus altē adāctumdeeply penetrated wound


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