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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 5 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
affulgēre, affulgeō (adfulgeō), affulsīshine on a thing, shine, dawn, appear

albēscere, albēscō, albuībecome white, whiten, dawn

albīscere, albīscō, albuībecome white, whiten, dawn

cōnfīnium lūcisdawn, twilight

dīlūculum, dīlūculī ndaybreak, dawn

query 1/E (max. 1000): 24 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ante lūcānambefore dawn, before daybreak

ante lūcānumbefore dawn, before daybreak

ante lūcembefore dawn, before daybreak

ante lūcis adventumbefore dawn, before daybreak

antelūcānum, antelūcānī nthe dawn

aurōra rubēscitthe morning reddens, the dawn appears

aurōrēscere, aurōrēscitthe dawn shines

aurōrēscere, aurōrēscoshine like the dawn

caelō albenteat daybreak, at the dawn

circā lūcemat dawn, at daybreak

cum dīlūculōwith the dawn, at sunrise, at daybreak, at dawn

cum iam aurōrēsceretwhen the dawn was already shining, when the dawn was already breaking

cum lūcī simulat daybreak, at dawn

cum prīmō lūcīat dawn, at daybreak, at first light

cum prīmō lūcūat dawn, at daybreak, at first light

dīlūcēscere, dīlūcēscit, dīlūxitto dawn

dīlūcēscere, dīlūcēscō, dīlūxīgrow light, begin to shine, begin to dawn

dīlūculōat daybreak, at sunrise, at dawn

sublūcānīs temporibusat dawn, in the early morning


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