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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 27 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aculeātus, aculeāta, aculeātumfurnished with stings, furnished with prickles, thorny, prickly, stinging, pointed, shar, subtle, cunning

argūtia, argūtiae fthat which is clear to the senses, vigor of expression, liveliness, animation, the chattering notes of the nightingale, chattering discourse, brightness, acuteness, wit, genius, slyness, subtlety, cunning, shrewdness in speech or action

argūtiae, argūtiārum fthat which is clear to the senses, vigor of expression, liveliness, animation, the chattering notes of the nightingale, chattering discourse, brightness, acuteness, wit, genius, slyness, subtlety, cunning, shrewdness in speech or action

argūtus, argūta, argūtumfull of bustle or din, prating, verbose, wordy, distinct, conclusive, clearly indicative, sharp, pungent, keen, acute, sagacious, witty, sly, artful, cunning

ars, artis fskill, handicraft, trade, occupation, employment, physical activity, mental activity, profession, art, science, knowledge, workmanship, Muses, conduct, manner of acting, habit, practice, cunning, artifice, fraud, stratagem

astus, astūs m (klass. nur abl. sgl. astū)adroitness, dexterity, craft, cunning

astūtia, astūtiae fdexterity, adroitness, understanding, wisdom, cunning, slyness, subtlety, craft

astūtus, astūta, astūtumshrewd, sagacious, expert, sly, cunning, artful, designing

bicors, bicordiswith two hearts, dissembling, false, , sly, cunning, devious

calliditās, calliditātis fshrewdness, skill, skilfulness, readiness, aptness, cunning, craft, slyness, artfulness, oratorical artifice

callidum inventumcunning, trick, finesse

callidus, callida, callidumshrewd, expert, experienced, adroit, skilful, ingenious, prudent, dexterous, crafty, cunning, artful, sly, calculating

catus, cata, catumsharp to the hearing, clear-sounding, shrill, clear-sighted, intelligent, sagacious, wise, sly, crafty, cunning, artful

colubrīnus, colubrīna, colubrīnumlike a serpent, cunning, wily

subdolōsitās, subdolōsitātis fcraft, cunning

subdolōsitās, subdolōsitātis fcraft, cunning

sȳcophantia, sȳcophantiae fcraft, cunning, deceit

trebāx, trebācis practised, skilled in the ways of the world, cunning, crafty

vafer, vafra, vafrumsly, cunning, crafty, artful, subtle

vafritia, vafritiae fshrewdness, craftiness, cunning, artfulness

versipellis, versipellethat changes its shape or form, that alters its appearance, that transforms himself or itself, skilled in dissimulation, sly, cunning, crafty, subtle

versūtia, versūtiae fcunning, slyness, craftiness, subtlety, ingenuity

versūtus, versūta, versūtumadroit, dexterous, versatile, shrewd, clever, ingenious, cunning, crafty, wily, sly, deceitful

veterātōrius, veterātōria, veterātōriumcrafty, cunning, sly

vorsipellis, vorsipellethat changes its shape or form, that alters its appearance, that transforms himself or itself, skilled in dissimulation, sly, cunning, crafty, subtle

vorsūtus, vorsūta, vorsūtumadroit, dexterous, versatile, shrewd, clever, ingenious, cunning, crafty, wily, sly, deceitful

vulpēs, vulpis ffox, cunning, craftiness

query 1/E (max. 1000): 48 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
architectōn, architectonis mmaster-builder, architect, inventor, deviser, contriver, author, maker, master in cunning, crafty man

architectus, architectī mmaster-builder, architect, inventor, deviser, contriver, author, maker, master in cunning, crafty man

arcitectus, arcitectī mmaster-builder, architect, inventor, deviser, contriver, author, maker, master in cunning, crafty man

artifex, artificis cone that is master in the liberal arts, artist, artificer, charioteer, orator, writer, master in any thing, maker, originator, author, contriver, sly, cunning contriver, inventor of a thing

artītus, artīta, artītumendowed with cunning, artful

astū colubrōsōwith snakelike cunning

astū subeōstoop down with cunning

astūtulus, astūtula, astūtulumsomewhat sly, somewhat cunning

callidulus, callidula, calliduluma little cunning, a little sly

subdolus, subdola, subdolumsomewhat crafty, somewhat cunning, somewhat sly, somewhat subtle, somewhat deceptive, somewhat deceitful

sūtēla, sūtēlae fsewing together, cunning device, contrivance, artifice, trick, wile

sȳcophanta, sȳcophantae minformer, tale-bearer, backbiter, slanderer, deceiver, trickster, cheat, cunning flatterer, parasite, sycophant

techina, techinae fwile, trick, piece of craft, piece of subtilty, artifice, cunning device

techna, ae fwile, trick, piece of craft, piece of subtilty, artifice, cunning device

urbem surripiōtake the city with cunning

vafellus, vafella, vafelluma little smart, a little cunning, a little refined, somewath cunning

vir omnium callidissimusthe man superior to all in cunning, the very cleverest

volpiō, volpiōnis mone cunning as a fox, sly fox

vōs colubrīnō ingeniō ambae estisyou are both cunning as snakes

vulpēs cautacunning fox, sly fox

vulpiō, vulpiōnis mone cunning as a fox, sly fox


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