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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 7 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ager, agrī m (ἀγρός)territory, district, domain, the whole of the soil belonging to a community, productive land, field, the fields, the open country, country, plain, valley, champaign, measure of length

agrestis, agrestepertaining to fields, pertaining to the country, country, rural, rustic, wild, brutish

arvum, arvī narable field, cultivated land, field, ploughed land, glebe, country, plain, region, pasture-ground, sea, shore, coast

cīvitās foederālisfederal state, country

solum, solī nlowest part of a thing,bottom, ground, base, foundation, floor of a room, pavement of a room, bottom of a ditch, bottom of a trench, ground, earth, land, soil, sole of the footsole of a shoe, land, country, region, place, base, basis

Tellūs, Tellūris fearth, land, ground, country, district, region, territory

terra, terrae fland, ground, soil, country, region, territory, earth, world

query 1/E (max. 1000): 46 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adiacentēs populīneighbor peoples, neighboring peoples, adjoining country

adiacentia, adiacentium nadjoining country

agellus mē alita country estate grants me sustenance

agrum perūrōscorching and burning in the country

aliēnus, aliēnī mstranger, one not belonging to one’s house or country, one not related to a person

apud exterōsabroad, in a foreign country

apud extrāriōsabroad, in a foreign country

Ausoniī colōnīItalians country people

auster, austrī msouth wind, south country, the south

barbaria, barbariae f (barbariēs)foreign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners

barbariēs, barbariēī fforeign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners

casa, casae fany simple house, any poorly-built house, cottage, hut, cabin, shed, country estate, farm

cīvitās fīnitimaneighboring country, neighboring state

consilium militare terram regita military junta rules the country

Cryphiolathronia, Cryphiolathroniae fthe name of an imaginary country

cūiās, cūiātiswhence originating?, of what country, of what family, of what town?, whence?, from what place?

Dalmatia, Dalmatiae fthe country on the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, Dalmatia

Dandarica, Dandaricae fcountry of the Dardari

Dardania, Dardaniae fcountry of the Dardans in Upper Moesia, today's Serbia

dextrā viamto the right of the country road

fīnēs, fīnium mcountry border, national border

rūsticitās, rūsticitātis fcountry life, country occupations, tillage, husbandry, country people, manners of country people, rustic behavior, rusticity

rūsticus, rūstica, rūsticumbelonging to the country, rural, rustic, country-like, country-, rustic, simple

solum vertōgo out of the country, turn one's back on one's homeland, leave the country

supernās, supernātisbelonging to the upper country, upper, northern

terrārius, terrāria, terrāriumgrew up outdoors, raised in the open country

tetrarcha, tetrarchae mruler who governed the fourth part of a country, tetrarch

tetrarchēs, tetrarchae mruler who governed the fourth part of a country, tetrarch

trānsmigrātiō, trānsmigrātiōnis fremoving from one country to another, transmigration

tristatae, tristatārum mthe three highest nobles of a country next to the king

Tūsculum, Tūsculī nCountry estate in Tuskulum

urbe oppidōve ēgressusleft Rome or a country town, having left Rome or a rural town

Venetia, Venetiae fthe country of the Veneti

vīlicātiō, vīlicātiōnis fmanagement of an estate in the country

vīlicāre, vīlicōact as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend, live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate

vīlicārī, vīlicor, vīlicātus sumact as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend, live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate

vīllicāre, vīllicōact as bailiff, act as overseer, superintend , live in the country, reside in the country, manage an estate

vīta rūsticacountry life, life in the countryside

vīta rūsticānacountry life, life in the countryside


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