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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 6 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
certātus, certātūs mcontention, fight

comparātiō, comparātiōnis fcomparing, comparison, trial of skill, contention, relation, agreement, contract, coupling, pairing, climax, comparative degree

compulsātiō, compulsātiōnis fpressing together, contest, contention

contentiō, contentiōnis flabored speech, formal speech, contest, contention, strife, comparison, contrast, a contrasting of one thought with another, antithesis

contrāversia, contrāversiae fcontroversy, contention, quarrel, question, dispute, debate

contrōversia, contrōversiae fa turning against, turning of the water against it, controversy, contention, quarrel, question, dispute, debate

query 1/E (max. 1000): 15 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aliquem pōscō causam disserendīdemand to know from someone the point of contention of the negotiation

certāmen contrōversiaethe real point of contention

contentiōsus, contentiōsa, contentiōsumpertaining to contention, contentious, disputatious, headstrong, obstinate, pertinacious

contrōversiās minuōlimit oneself to the actual point of contention

convīcium, convīciī na loud noise, a cry, clamor, outcry, the sound of wrangling, the cry of altercation or contention, an urgent, clamorous importunity, loud, violent disapprobation or contradiction, loud, violent reproaching, abuse, reviling, insult, the object of reproach

convītium, convītiī na loud noise, a cry, clamor, outcry, the sound of wrangling, the cry of altercation or contention, an urgent, clamorous importunity, loud, violent disapprobation or contradiction, loud, violent reproaching, abuse, reviling, insult, the object of reproach

dēcertāre, dēcertō, dēcertāvī, dēcertātumgo through a decisive contest, fight out a decisive contest, fill with strife, fill with contention, fight for, achieve by fighting, contending, contend

dēcertārī, dēcertorgo through a decisive contest, fight out a decisive contest, fill with strife, fill with contention, fight for, achieve by fighting, contending, contend

dīgladiābilis, dīgladiābilefull of contention, fierce


Wortform von: contention

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