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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 28 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adpendere, adpendō, adpendī, adpēnsumhang upon, suspend on, weigh something to one, weigh, consider

adspicere, adspiciō, adspexī, adspectumlook to, look upon, behold, look at, see, look toward, lie toward, examine, reflect upon, consider, weigh, ponder, take into consideration, have in view, look upon with respect, look upon with admiration, look one boldly in the face, meet his glance

agitāre, agitō, agitāvī, agitātumdrive at a thing in the mind, turn over, revolve, weigh, consider, meditate upon, deliberate upon, devise, contrive, plot, be occupied with, design, intend, treat of, speak of, concerning a thing, confer about

amplectī, amplector, amplexus sumwind round something, twine round something, surround, encompass, encircle, embrace, comprehend, understand, reflect upon, consider, discuss, handle, treat, include, embrace in heart, love, favor, cherish

animadvertere, animadvertō, animadvertī, animadversumdirect the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know

animadvortere, animadvortō, animadvortī, animadvorsumdirect the mind to, direct the attention to, attend to, give heed to, take heed, consider, regard, observe, give attention, pay attention, pay regard to, remark, notice, observe, erceive, see, apprehend, understand, comprehend, know

appendēre, appendeōhang upon, suspend on, weigh something to one, weigh, consider

appendere, appendō (adpendō), appendī, appēnsumhang upon, suspend on, weigh something to one, weigh, consider

arbitrārī, arbitror, arbitrātus sumbe a hearer, be a beholder, observe, perceive, hear, examine, consider, weigh, make a decision, give judgment, give sentence, adjudge, put faith in, testify, declare or announce, give evidence, be of the opinion, believe, consider as, think, suppose

aspicere, aspiciō, aspexī, aspectumlook to, look upon, behold, look at, see, look toward, lie toward, examine, reflect upon, consider, weigh, ponder, take into consideration, have in view, look upon with respect, look upon with admiration, look one boldly in the face, meet his glance

attendere, attendō (adtendō), attendī, attentumstretch something, direct toward, turn toward, stretch toward, extend toward, direct the attention, apply the mind to something, attend to, consider, mind, give heed to, strive eagerly for something, long for

circumspicere, circumspiciō, circumspexī, circumspectumview on all sides, survey, review, descry, get sight of by looking around, view something mentally, ponder upon, weigh, consider, look about for something with desire, seek for

colligere, colligō, collēgī, collēctumcollect, get, gain, acquire, produce, amount to, come to, extend, gather up in memory, put together in the mind, think upon, weigh, consider, put together mentally, conclude, deduce, infer from what precedes

cōnsulere, cōnsulō, cōnsuluī, cōnsultumconsider, reflect, deliberate, take counsel, reflect upon, consult

contemplāre, contemplo, contemplāvī, contemplātumsurvey, behold, observe, consider, contemplate

contemplāri, contemplor, contemplātus sumsurvey, behold, observe, consider, contemplate

contractāre, contractō, contractāvī, contractātumtouch, handle, come in contact with, feel, touch in examining, search, touch carnally, have illicit intercourse with, appropriate, take by stealth, steal, purloin, contemplate, look at, consider, dwell upon, apply one’s self to

contrectāre, contrectō, contrectāvī, contrectātumtouch, handle, come in contact with, feel, touch in examining, search, touch carnally, have illicit intercourse with, appropriate, take by stealth, steal, purloin, contemplate, look at, consider, dwell upon, apply one’s self to

coquere, coquō, coxī, coctumcook, prepare by cooking, bake, boil, roast, parch, steep, melt, heat, prepare by fire, burn, ripen, make mature, digest, elaborate something in mind, consider, think, meditate upon, contrive, plan, vex, harass, torment, disturb the mind

cum animō agitōconsider, consider with oneself

dēputāre, dēputō, dēputāvī, dēputātum esteem, consider, count as, destine, allot to, impute

dēstināre, dēstinō, dēstināvī, dēstinātummake fast, make firm, bind, establish, determine, resolve, consider, design, intend, devote, destine, appoint, choose, elect, intend purchasing, fix upon as a mark, aim at, fix upon for one’s self, intend to buy

spectāre, spectō, spectāvī, spectātumlook at, behold, gaze at, watch, observe, see as a spectator, look on, face, lie, be situated, regard, consider

trahere, trahō, trāxī, tractumdissipate, squander, purge, remove, clear away, draw along, attract, allure, influence, appropriate, refer, ascribe, set down to, weigh, ponder, consider, obtain, derive, extend, prolong, lengthen, protract, put off, delay, retard, last, endure,

tuērī, tueor, tuitus sum (tūtus sum)see, look upon, gaze upon, watch, view, see to, look to, defend, protect, look at, gaze at, behold, watch, view, regard, consider, examine, care for, keep up, uphold, maintain, support, guard, preserve

versāre, versō (vorsō), versāvī, versātumturn often, wind often, twist often, whirl about violently, shake, turn up, bend, treat, manage, turn upside down, discompose, disturb, vex, agitate, think over, meditate upon, reflect upon, revolve, consider, transact, carry on

vidēre, videō, vīdī, vīsumsee, perceive, have the eyes open, be awake, look out on, afford a view, observe, mark, discern, understand, comprehend, be aware, know, look at, look to, consider, think upon

volvere, volvō, volvī, volūtumroll, turn about, turn round, tumble, roll up, roll together, form by rolling, roll itself round about, turn along, roll along, roll along, roll off, roll onwards, turn over in the mind, revolve in the mind, ponder, meditate, reflect upon, consider

query 1/E (max. 1000): 71 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adsimilāre, adsimilō, adsimilāvī, adsimilātummake one thing like another, consider as similar, compare, represent something irreal as real, imitate, counterfeit, pretend, feign, simulate

adsimulāre, adsimulō, adsimulāvī, adsimulātummake one thing like another, consider as similar, compare, represent something irreal as real, imitate, counterfeit, pretend, feign, simulate

aliquem ad quodlibet facinus audācem habeōconsider someone capable of any bad deed, trust someone with any shameful deed

aliquid in rapidā aquā scrībōconsider something null and void

aliquid in religiōnem vertōconsider something questionable from a religious point of view

aliquid īnfrā mē positum arbitrorconsider something beneath one's dignity

aliquid īnfrā mē putōconsider something beneath one's dignity

aliquid prō certō crēdōbelieve something as certain, consider something as certain

aliquid prō certō habeōconsider something certain, regard something as certain

aliquid religiōnī habeōconsider something questionable, make a conscience out of something

animō et cōgitātiōne aliquid complectorconsider and think about something

annumerāre, annumerō (adnumerō), annumerāvī, annumerātumcount to, count out to, put to a person’s account, add to, include with, reckon with, give the number of something, attribute to, impute to, reckon for, consider equal to

appōnere, appōnō (adpōnō), apposuī, appositumput to something by way of increase, add to, superadd, do further, do something, set down for something, count as, reckon as, consider as, hold as

arma spectōthink of armed defence, consider armed defence

assimilāre, assimilō, assimilāvī, assimilātummake one thing like another, consider as similar, compare, represent something irreal as real, imitate, counterfeit, pretend, feign, simulate

assimulāre, assimulō (adsimulō), assimulāvī, assimulātum, assimilō (adsimilō)make one thing like another, consider as similar, compare, represent something irreal as real, imitate, counterfeit, pretend, feign, simulate

cōgitāre, cōgitō, cōgitāvī, cōgitātumpursue something in the mind, consider thoroughly, ponder, weigh, reflect upon, think, have something in mind, intend, meditate, design, plan, purpose

collūstrāre, collūstrō, collūstrāvī, collūstrātumlighten on all sides, illumine, brighten, consider a thing on all sides, inspect, survey

commentārī, commentor, commentātus sumconsider thoroughly, meditate, think over, study, deliberate, weigh, prepare one’s self, made up a story, prepare, produce as the result of study, write, discuss, write upon, experiment in speaking, , attempt to speak, imitate, adopt the language of another

comparāre, comparō, comparāvī, comparātumplace on the same footing, put on an equality with, place together in comparison, compare, reflect, consider, judge

concoquere, concoquō, concoxī, concoctumboil together, seethe together, digest, prepare, ripen, mature, endure, suffer, put up with, brook, tolerate, revolve in mind, think upon, weigh, reflect maturely upon, consider well

cōnsīderātiōnem in aliquid intendōto direct one's consideration on something, consider something

cōnsīderāre, cōnsīderō, cōnsīderāvī, cōnsīderātumlook at closely, look at attentively, look at carefully, inspect, examine, observe, perceive, consider maturely, reflect, contemplate, meditate, take care, be considerate

cōnsilia animō circumspiciōconsider the plans carefully

cōnsilium pēnsōconsider a plan

cōnsultāre, cōnsultō, cōnsultāvī, cōnsultātumreflect, consider maturely, consult, take counsel, deliberate, take care of one, have a care for, take a resolution, resolve, consult one, go to for counsel, ask counsel of

contemnere, contemnō, contempsī, contemptumconsider as unimportant, consider as of small value, value little, esteem lightly, contemn, despise, disdain, defy, not to fear, be safe from, make light of, slight, speak contemptuously of, disparage

contempnere, contempnō, contempsī, contemptumconsider as unimportant, consider as of small value, value little, esteem lightly, contemn, despise, disdain, defy, not to fear, be safe from, make light of, slight, speak contemptuously of, disparage

contuērī, contueor, contuitus sumlook on, gaze upon, behold, survey, consider attentively, take into view, weigh, ponder maturely, observe, see to, take care of, preserve carefully, get sight of, perceive, descry

contuī, contuorlook on, gaze upon, behold, survey, consider attentively, take into view, weigh, ponder maturely, observe, see to, take care of, preserve carefully, get sight of, perceive, descry

cum animō cōnsīderōconsider with oneself

cum animō meō cōgitōconsider with oneself

dēlīberāre, dēlīberō, dēlīberāvī, dēlīberātumweigh well in one’s mind, consider maturely, deliberate respecting a thing, take counsel, consult, advise upon, consult an oracle, resolve, determine

dēlīberō dē aliquā rēconsider something for oneself

dīgerere, dīgerō, dīgessī, dīgestumforce apart, separate, divide, distribute, cut up, dissolve, dissipate, arrange, dispose, set in order, plant in regular rows, consider maturely, digest, endure, exercise

dignum dūcōconsider worthy

dignum habeōconsider worthy

dignum iūdicōconsider worthy

in meam contumēliam aliquid vertōconsider something as a personal insult

lucrō aliquid appōnōcalculate for a profit, consider as a profit

multa mēcum animō volūtōthink about a lot of things, consider a lot of things

spatium dēlīberandītime to consider

vōcem alicuius premōconsider someone's word in silence


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