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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 9 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cōnfūsiō, cōnfūsiōnis fa mingling, mixture, union, a mixing, uniting, combining, confounding, confusion, disorder, a reddening, blushing

cōnsternātiō, cōnsternātiōnis fconfusion, dismay, consternation, alarm, disquietude, disturbance, mutiny, tumult, disorder, sedition

conturbātiō, conturbātiōnis fdisorder, confusion, disquiet, perturbation of mind

strāgēs, strāgis fthrowing down, throwing to the ground, overthrowing, overthrow, confusion, confused heap, confused mass, mortal overthrow, defeat, slaughter, massacre, butchery, carnage, overthrow, ruin, destruction

synchysis, synchysis fconfusion

trepidātiō, trepidātiōnis fstate of confused hurry, state of alarm, agitation, confusion, consternation, trepidation

tumultus, tumultūs mexcitement, anxiety, disturbance, disquietude, agitation, tumult of the mind, tumult of the feelings, confusion, disorder

turba, turbae f (τύρβη)turmoil, hubbub, uproar, disorder, tumult, commotion, disturbance, brawl, confusion, disturbance, quarrel, crowd, throng, multitude, mob, band, train, troop, number

turbātiō, turbātiōnis fconfusion, disorder, disturbance

query 1/E (max. 1000): 24 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alicuius animum (mentem) cōnfundere, temptōplay a game of confusion with someone

cōnsternāre, cōnsternō, cōnsternāvi, cōnsternātumstretch upon the ground, to overcome, bring into confusion, to perplex, terrify, alarm, affright, dismay, overwhelm with terror, make afraid, frighten, startle, excite to sedition, excite to revolt

conturbāre, conturbō, conturbāvī, conturbātumthrow into disorder, throw into confusion, confuse, derange, disorder, confound, exchange in confused multitudes

scōpās dissolvōto throw any thing into disorder or confusion

subinvicemupside down, confused, in a mess, in confusion

tōtīs castrīs trepidāturthe whole camp is chaotic, the whole camp is in confusion

trepidēhastily, in a state of confusion, in a state of alarm, with trepidation

trepidāre, trepidō, trepidāvī, trepidātumhurry with alarm, bustle about anxiously, be in a state of confusion, be in a state of agitation, be in a state of trepidation, flare, waver, flicker, throbbing, quivering, palpitating

tumultuārī, tumultuor, tumultuātus summake a bustle, make a disturbance, be in great agitation, be in confusion, be in an uproar, raise a tumult, storm, rant, talk at random

tumultuōsēwith bustle, with confusion, tumultuously

tumultuōsus, tumultuōsa, tumultuōsumfull of bustle, full of confusion, full of tumult, restless, turbulent, tumultuous, announcing disturbances

turbātēconfusedly, disorderly, in confusion

turbidus, turbida, turbidumfull of confusion, full of disorder, wild, confused, disordered, wild, stormy, troubled, thick, muddy, turbid, disturbed, perplexed, violent, boisterous, turbulent, vehement

turbāre, turbō, turbāvī, turbātumdisturb, agitate, confuse, disorder, throw into disorder, throw into confusion, disorganize, trouble, make thick, make turbid

vōcibus strepuntshout in confusion, shout confusedly


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