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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 10 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cērōma, cērōmatis n (Abl. Pl. cērōmatīs)ointment for wrestlers, place for wrestling, ring, combat, swelling, tumor

certāmen, certāminis ncontest, struggle, competitive price, rivalry, emulation, military strife, battle, engagement, fight, combat, war

certātiō, certātiōnis fcontending, striving, combat, strife, contest, military contest, fight

certāre, certō, certāvī, certātumdecide something by a contest, fight, struggle, contend, combat, strive, emulate, vie with, contend at law, strive to do something, labor, endeavor, struggle earnestly, exert one’s self

cōnflīctiō, cōnflīctiōnis fa striking together, collision, conflict, combat, contest, conflict

cōnflīgere, cōnflīgō, cōnflīxī, cōnflīctumto strike one thing against another, to strike, bring together, join together, unite, oppose in comparison, contrast, be in conflict, to contend, fight, combat

cōnfrictiō, cōnfrictiōnis fa striking together, collision, conflict, combat, contest, conflict

dēcernere, dēcernō, dēcrēvī, dēcrētumdecide, determine, pronounce a decision, judge, decree, vote for any thing, decide by combat, fight, combat, contend, resolve on something

dēluctārī, dēluctātus sumwrestle, struggle, combat

dīmicātiō, dīmicātiōnis ffight, combat, furious encounter, combating, struggling, contest, perilous contest

query 1/E (max. 1000): 35 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
āēroplanum automāticumdrone, unmanned military reconnaissance and combat aircraft

āēroplanum īnsectātōriuminterceptor, fighter, combat jet

āēroplanum pūgnātōriumcombat aircraft, fighter jet

agōn, agōnis m (Akk.Sgl. auch agōna, Akk.Plur. agōnas)contest or combat in the public games

aliquem ad certāmen singulāre prōvocōchallenge someone to a single combat

alluctāmentum, alluctāmentī nmeans of combat, ordnance

arēna, arēnae f (harēna, harēnae f)sand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest

asēna, asēnae f (hasēna, hasēnae f)sand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest

certāmen singulāreduel, single combat

collātīs sīgnīs pūgnōfighting man against man, fighting in close combat

collātīs vīribus pūgnōfighting man against man, fighting in close combat

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumset in opposition, bring together in hostility, oppose, couple, pair, match in combat, compare, contrast

compūgnāre, compūgnōght together, contend together, combat together

concidere, concidō, concidī (con + cado)fall together, fall down, tumble to the ground, fall down faint, fall down lifeless, fall in battle, fall in combat, be slaughtered, be slain, fall

concurrere, concurrō, concurrī, concursummeet together, dash together, rush together in hostility, engage in combat, join battle, fight, make the same claim, enter into competition with, meet, concur, fall out at the same time, happen, have place together, be coincident

cōnserere, cōnserō, cōnseruī, cōnsertumconnect, entwine, tie, join, fit, bind into a whole, unite together, unite in hostility, unite for contest, bring together, engage in close combat, join hand to hand, join battle, make a joint seizure

dēpūgnāre, dēpūgnō, dēpūgnāvī, dēpūgnātumfight eagerly, fight out, contend, combat violently, fight to the end, stop fighting

dīmicātiō marīnanaval combat, sea battle

dīvīsiō pūgnātōriacombat division, combat unit, combat group, battle group

harēna, harēnae fsand, slime, mud, sandy place, sandy desert, waste, shore of the sea, beach, coast, strand, place of combat in the amphitheatre, combat in the amphitheatre, the combatants in the arena, place of combat, scene of any contest

ordō pūgnātōriuscombat division, combat unit, combat group, battle group

rebellāre, rebellō, rebellāvī, rebellātumwage war again, make an insurrection, revolt, rebel, renew the combat, break out again, resist

societās armōrumcombat alliance, fighting alliance, battle alliance

ūnum comminus ēnse feritin close combat with the sword

vēnātiō, vēnātiōnis fhunting, chase, venery, hunting spectacle, hunt, battue, combat of wild beasts, that which is been hunted, that which has been hunted, game


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