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Suchergebnis zu
"coarse flax":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 2 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
stūpa, stūpae f (στύπη)coarse part of flax, tow, hards, oakum

stuppa, stuppae f (στύππη)coarse part of flax, tow, hards, oakum

query 1/E (max. 1000): 26 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
acerbus, acerba, acerbumharsh to the taste, bitter, briny, sharp, sour, harsh, unripe, crude, not yet marriageable, premature, harsh, hoarse, rough, shrill, keen, rough, coarse, repulsive, morose, violent, hard, rigorous, severe, heavy, disagreeable, grievous, troublesome, sad, afflicting, painful

adipātus, adipāta, adipātumfilled with fat, supplied with fat, fatty, greasy, coarse, gross

agrestiussomewhat rustic, a little peasant, coarse

alphita, alphitōrum ncoarse flour

aphaerema, aphaerematis ncoarse kind of grits

autopȳros pāniscoarse wheat bread with the bran

autopȳrus pāniscoarse wheat bread with the bran

carbasa, carbasōrum nvery fine Spanish flax, fine linen, cambric, fine linen garment, curtain, sail, the Sibylline books, written upon linen

carbasum, carbasī nvery fine Spanish flax, fine linen, cambric, fine linen garment, curtain, sail, the Sibylline books, written upon linen

carbasus, carbasī f (κάρπασος)very fine Spanish flax, fine linen, cambric, fine linen garment, curtain, sail, the Sibylline books, written upon linen

carmen, carminis n [2]a card, for wool or flax

crassā Minervādull, stolid, with a coarse mind

dēnsus, dēnsa, dēnsumthick, dense, close, compact, thickly set with, thickly covered with, full of, set close, frequent, continuous, strong, powerful, deep, profound, condensed, concise, coarse

sētiger, sētigera, sētigerumbristle bearing, having coarse hair, having bristles, bristly, setaceous

sētōsus, sētōsa, sētōsumfull of coarse hairs, full of bristles, bristly, setous

sētula, sētulae flittle coarse hair, a small bristle

solōx, solōciscoarse, harsh, bristly

solōx, solōcis fdress of coarse woollen stuff

soubtīlis, soubtīlefine, not thick, not coarse, thin, slender, minute

stīpidōsus, stīpidōsa, stīpidōsumcoarse, clumsy, bulky, uncouth

stolidus, stolida, stolidumunmovable, slow, coarse, uncultivated, rude, dull, senseless, slow of mind, obtuse, stupid, stolid

subtīlis, subtīlefine, not thick, not coarse, thin, slender, minute, nice, acute, delicate, exquisite, precise, exact, accurate, keen, subtle, keen, plain, simple, unadorned

vernīlitās, vernīlitātis fcringing, obsequiousness, servility, coarse, pert, jesting, pertness

vernulitās, vernulitātis fcoarse, pert, jesting, pertness


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