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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accūrātus, accūrāta, accūrātumprepared with care, careful, studied, elaborate, exact

adtentus, adtenta, adtentumdirected to, attentive, intent on, striving after, careful, frugal, industrious

attentus, attenta, attentum (adtentus)directed to, attentive, intent on, striving after, careful, frugal, industrious

cautus, cauta, cautumcareful, circumspect, wary, cautious, provident

cūriōsus, cūriōsa, cūriōsumbestowing cares upon a thing, bestowing pains upon a thing, applying one’s self assiduously, careful, diligent, thoughtful, devoted

cūriōsus, cūriōsa, cūriōsumbestowing cares upon a thing, bestowing pains upon a thing, applying one’s self assiduously, careful, diligent, thoughtful, devoted

dīligēns, dīligentiscareful, accurate, devoted to, fond of, conscientious about

dīligēns, dīligentisdiligent, careful, esteeming, loving, careful, assiduous, attentive, diligent, accurate, attentively investigating, frugal, thrifty, economical

scrūpulōsus, scrūpulōsa, scrūpulōsumvery nice, exact, precise, anxious, careful, scrupulous

sēdulus, sēdula, sēdulumbusy, diligent, industrious, zealous, careful, unremitting, solicitous, assiduous, sedulous

tūtus, tūta, tūtumsafe, secure, out of danger, watchful, careful, cautious, prudent

vigilāns, vigilantiswatchful, anxious, careful, vigilant

query 1/E (max. 1000): 24 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
animum ad cavendum attendō (adtendō)be on one's guard, be careful

anquīrere, anquīrō, anquīsīvī, anquīsītumseek on all sides, look about for, search after, inquire about, examine into, institute a careful inquiry, institute a careful examination, enter a complaint, accuse one

cautiōnem adhibeō exercise caution, be careful

cautus in scrībendōgentle in writing, careful when writing

cavefacere, cavefaciō, cavefēcī, cavefactumbe careful, , take precautions

commentātiō, commentātiōnis fdiligent meditation upon something, studying, careful preparation, a learned work, treatise, dissertation, description

comminīscī, comminīscor, commentus sumdevise something by careful thought, devise, contrive, invent, feign

commūnis bonī attentuscareful about the common good

curā, ut valeās!take care of yourself, be careful of your health

dēpolītiō, dēpolītiōnis fcareful smoothing, careful finishing, perfection, finished thing, perfect thing

diligenter perpendō, perpendī, perpēnsumcheck carefully, check precisely, check rigorously, check thoroughly, subject to careful scrutiny, weigh up carefully and from all sides

quod ut nē accidat cavendum estone must be careful that this does not happen


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