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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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(18) "%moveo" zeigt neben Wendungen alle Composita zu "moveo"

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"confinis, confine":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Lat. Fund; Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferL (max. 100): 4 Ergebnis(se)
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgconfinis, confinecōnfīnis, cōnfīneangrenzend
bordering one upon another, bordering on, adjoining, contiguous, nearly related, nearly like, similar
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  benachbart
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  nahe verwandt
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  zusammengrenzend
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
query 2/2L (max. 100): 9 Ergebnis(se)
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgconfine, confinis ncōnfīne, cōnfīnis nGrenze
, that which borders upon, boundary, border, confine, neighborhood,
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  Homoioteleuton
(ὁμοιοτέλευτον - homoeoteleuton)
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  Nähe
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgconfinia, confinium ncōnfīnia, cōnfīnium nGrenze
boundary, border, confine, neighborhood
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  Nähe
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
query 1/2L (max. 100): 13 Ergebnis(se)
  ager confinisager cōnfīnisGrenzgebiet
border area, border region, borderland
(zweier angrenzender Länder)
  confinis sumcōnfīnis sumgrenze zusammen
have a common border
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgconfinis, confinis mcōnfīnis, cōnfīnis mGrenznachbar
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
Wortsuche bei PerseusWortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei  Nachbar
Wortsuche in Lewis and ShortWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
query 1/2L (max. 100): 9 Ergebnis(se)
query 1/E (max. 1000): 27 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
castīgāre, castīgō, castīgāvī, castīgātumset right by word or deed, correct, chastise, punish, blame, reprove, chide, censure, find fault with, correct some error, set right, mend, hold in check, restrain, enclose, surround, encompass, confine, shut in

circumscrībere, circumscrībō, circumscrīpsi, circumscrīptumdraw a line around, circumscribe, enclose in a circle, draw a line as the circumference of a thing, define, encompass, enclose, limit, bound, contract, hem in, hinder free action, restrain, confine

claudere, claudō, clausī, clausumshut, close, shut up, block up, cut off, prevent, stop, stanch, end, enclose, encompass, surround, imprison, hide, confine

clōdere, clōdō, clōsī, clōsumshut, close, shut up, block up, cut off, prevent, stop, stanch, end, enclose, encompass, surround, imprison, hide, confine

clūdere, clūdō, clūsī, clūsumshut, close, shut up, block up, cut off, prevent, stop, stanch, end, enclose, encompass, surround, imprison, hide, confine

coangustāre, coangustō, coangustāvī, coangustātumbring into a narrow compass, confine, compress, contract, enclose, hem in, invest, besiege, limit, restrict, afflict

coarctāre, coarctō, coarctāvī, coarctātumpress together, compress, contract, confine, abridge, shorten, compress, compel, constrain

coartāre, coartō, coartāvī, coartātumpress together, compress, contract, confine, strangle one’s self, abridge, shorten, compress, compel, constrain

coartāre, coartō, coartāvī, coartātumpress together, compress, contract, confine, abridge, shorten, compress, compel, constrain

coercēre, coerceō, coercuī, coercitumenclose, hold together, surround, encompass, restrain, confine, shut in, hold in confinement, repress, trim, clip, keep within limits, control, limit, hold some fault, hold some passion, curb, tame, correct

cohercēre, coherceō, cohercuī, cohercitumenclose, hold together, surround, encompass, restrain, confine, shut in, hold in confinement, repress, trim, clip, keep within limits, control, limit, hold some fault, hold some passion, curb, tame, correct

cohibēre, cohibeō, cohibuī, cohibitumhold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise, keep, keep back, hinder, stay, restrain, stop, stop something, hold in check, limit, repress, tame, subdue, keep something from something, ward off

coibēre, coibeōhold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise, keep, keep back, hinder, stay, restrain, stop, stop something, hold in check, limit, repress, tame, subdue, keep something from something, ward off

compēscere, compēscō, compēscuīfasten together, confine, hold in check, repress, curb, restrain, clip, prune, tread, stamp, suppress, repress, restrain, check, cease, forbear

compingere, compingō, compēgī, compāctum (compēctum)join or unite several parts into one whole, put together, frame, make by joining, compose, confine, lock up, put, conceal

compīscere, compīscōfasten together, confine, hold in check, repress, curb, restrain, clip, , prune, tread, stamp, suppress, repress, restrain, check, cease, forbear

conclaudere, conclaudō, conclausī, conclausum shut up closely, close up, enclose, confine

conclūdere, conclūdō, conclūsī, conclūsumshut up closely, close up, enclose, confine, include, compress, restrain, comprise, end, close, conclude, close rhythmically, round off, infer, make an inference, argue, demonstrate

cōnfīnium, cōnfīniī na confine, common boundary, limit, border, neighborhood, nearness, close connection, confines, boundaries

conterminum, conterminī nneighboring region, confine, border

dēfīnīre, dēfīniō, dēfīnīvī (dēfīniī), dēfīnītumbound, set bounds to, limit, terminate, define, designate by limiting, limit, define, determine, explain, limit within certain bounds, restrict, confine, terminate, finish

diffīnīre, diffīniō, diffīnīvī (diffīniī), diffīnītumbound, set bounds to, limit, terminate, define, designate by limiting, limit, determine, explain, limit within certain bounds, restrict, confine, finish

urgēre, urgeō, ursīexert in excess, press upon, crowd, hem in, confine, ply, urge with argument, follow up, keep to, stick to, ply hard, push forward, urge on, force into, plunge into

urguēre, urgueō, ursīpress, push, force, drive, impel, urge, press upon, bear hard upon, bear close upon, press hard, beset, bear down, burden, oppress, stimulate, drive, solicit, strain , exert in excess, press upon, crowd, hem in, confine, ply, urge with argument, follow up, keep to, stick to

vincīre, vinciō, vīnxī, vīnctumbind, bind about, wind about, fetter, tie, fasten, surround, encircle, compress, lace, compass, guard, make firm, harden, fix, fasten, confine, restrain, attach, arrange rhythmically

2. Formbestimmung:

Wortform von: confinis,

3. Belegstellen für "confinis, confine"

Finden Sie Ihr Suchwort auch hier:
- bei van der Gucht Wortsuche bei Van der Gucht
- bei Wortsuche bei
- bei Google: engl-lat.
- bei Perseus Wortsuche bei Perseus
- bei Google Wortsuche bei Google-Dict.
- bei Wortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei
- bei Lewis and Short Wortsuche in Lewis and Short
- in: Mittellateinisches Wörterbuch
- in: Du Cange: Glossarium mediae et infimae latinitatis
- in Pons: lat.-deutsch

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