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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adstrictus, adstricta, adstrictumdrawn together, tight, narrow, close, shut, costiveness, sparing, parsimonious, covetous, compact, brief, concise, short

adtenuātus, adtenuāta, adtenuātumenfeebled, weakened, reduced, weak, feeble, destitute, poor, shortened, brief, meagre, dry, without ornament

angustus, angusta, angustumclose, contracted, small, not spacious, narrow, base, low, mean-spirited, subtle, hair-splitting, brief, simple

artus, arta, artumfitted, close, strait, narrow, confined, short, brief, strict, severe, scanty, small

astrictus, astricta, astrictum (adstrictus)drawn together, tight, narrow, close, shut, costiveness, sparing, parsimonious, covetous, compact, brief, concise, short

attenuātus, attenuāta, attenuātum (adtenuātus)enfeebled, weakened, reduced, weak, feeble, destitute, poor, shortened, brief, meagre, dry, without ornament

breviloquēns, breviloquentisspeaking briefly, brief, being brief

breviloquus, breviloqua, breviloquumspeaking briefly, brief, being brief

brevis, breveshort, little, small, narrow, low, brief, little, concise

circumcīsus, circumcīsa, circumcīsumcut off around, cut off, cut off from connection with the region around, steep, precipitous, inaccessible, abridged, short, brief

compendiōsus, compendiōsa, compendiōsumadvantageous, abridged, short, brief, compendious

cōnstrictus, cōnstricta, cōnstrictumcompressed, contracted, abridged, short, brief, concise, compact

query 1/E (max. 1000): 33 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
annotātiuncula, annotātiunculae fbrief annotation

audītiuncula, audītiunculae fbrief discourse, short message

breve faciamI will be brief

brevis esse labōrōwant to be brief, want to be brief and to the point

brevitershortly, briefly, in a short time, in brief, in few words, concisely, summarily

cōdicillī, cōdicillōrum mwood cut and split for burning, writing, letter, short writing, note, billet, petition, writing of the emperor conferring some privilege, diploma, cabinet order, brief testamentary order, appendix to a will, codicil

cōdiculus, cōdiculī msmall pad, small book, , wood cut and split for burning, writing, letter, short writing, note, billet, petition, writing of the emperor conferring some privilege, diploma, cabinet order, brief testamentary order, appendix to a will, codicil

cōgnitiuncula, cōgnitiunculae fbrief investigation

commentāriolum, commentāriolī nshort treatise, brief commentary

commentāriolus, commentāriolī mshort treatise, brief commentary

spīrāmentum, spīrāmentī nbreathing-hole, airhole, vent, pore, spiracle, breathing space, brief pause, brief interval, instant

tempusculum, tempusculī nshort time span, brief period

trānscursiō, trānscursiōnis fpassing over, lapse of a period of time, hasty treatment, brief handling in thought

trānscursus, trānscursūs mrunning through, darting through, flying through, running over, brief touching upon, cursory mention

ut ad pauca redeamto be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short

ut brevī complectarto be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short

ut brevī praecīdamto be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short

ut breviter complectarto be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short

ut breviter dīcamto be brief, to abbreviate me, to be short

ut paucīs complectarto be brief, to keep it short

ut ut brevi comprehendamto be brief, to keep it short, to make a long story short


3. Belegstellen für "brief"

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