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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
anancaeum, anancaeī nlarge drinking-cup, which must be drained on a wager, brimmer, bowl, , tankard, wine jug

catīnum, catīnī ndeep vessel for serving up or cooking food, bowl, dish, pot, crucible, censer, air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument, a (natural) hollow in a rock

catīnus, catīnī m (κάτυλος)deep vessel for serving up or cooking food, bowl, dish, pot, crucible, censer, air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument, a (natural) hollow in a rock

culilla, culillae fdrinking-vessel, beaker, goblet, cup, bowl

cululla, culullae fdrinking-vessel, beaker, goblet, cup, bowl

culullus, culullī m (culillus, culillī m )drinking-vessel, beaker, goblet, cup, bowl

cymbium, cymbiī n (κυμβίον)small drinking-vessel, cup, bowl, lamp in the same form

scuta, scutae fplate, bowl

scutra, scutrae fplate, bowl, flat tray, dish

scutrillus, scutrillī mlittle plate, bowl, flat tray, little dish

scutriscum, scutriscī nlittle plate, bowl, flat tray, little dish

trublium, trubliī nplate, salver, dish, bowl, tureen

tryblium, trybliī nplate, salver, dish, bowl, tureen

query 1/E (max. 1000): 43 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
absis, absidis ffitting together in a circular form, arch, vault, choir (in a chuch), round dish, round bowl

animus est in patinīsthe thoughts are in the bowl

apophorēta, apophorētae fflat bowl

athiscē, athiscēs fsacrificial bowl

capēdō, capēdinis fbowl or cup used in sacrifices

capēduncula, capēdunculae fsmall bowl or dish used in sacrifices

capidula, capidulae fsmall bowl, sacrificial bowl

capis, capidis f (Akk. Pl. capidas)bowl with one handle,sacrificial bowl

cappūdō, cappūdinis fbowl or cup used in sacrifices

capūdō, capūdinis fbowl or cup used in sacrifices

capula, capulaesmall bowl with handles

catīllum, catīllī nsmall bowl, small dish, small plate

catīllus, catīllī msmall bowl, small dish, small plate, ornament on a sword-sheath, the upper millstone

catīnulus, catīnulī msmall bowl

cernophora, cernophorae fcarrier of the sacrificial bowl, sacrificial bowl carrier

cernus, cernī msacrificial bowl, offering bowl

crāter, crātēris m (Akk.Sing. crātēra, Akk.Plur. crātēras), crātēra, crātērae f (κρατήρ)vessel in which wine was mingled with water, mixing-vessel or bow, vessel for drawing water, bucket, water-pail, oil-vessel, water-basin, aperture of a volcanic mountain, crater, volcanic opening of the earth, a constellation, the Bowl

crātēra, crātērae fvessel in which wine was mingled with water, mixing-vessel or bow, vessel for drawing water, bucket, water-pail, oil-vessel, water-basin, aperture of a volcanic mountain, crater, volcanic opening of the earth, a constellation, the Bowl

crēterrae, crēterrārum fvessel in which wine was mingled with water, mixing-vessel or bow, vessel for drawing water, bucket, water-pail, oil-vessel, water-basin, aperture of a volcanic mountain, crater, volcanic opening of the earth, a constellation, the Bowl

cum aliquō ex eōdem catīnō cēnōeat with someone from the same bowl

scutella, scutellae fdrinking bowl

scutella, scutellae fsmall bowl

scutula, scutulae f (σκυτάλη)flat bowl, platel, little dish, little platter

simpuviātrīx, simpuviātrīcis fshe who serves the sacrificial bowl

simpuvium, simpuviī nsacrificial bowl, vessel for offering liquids

tēsticius, tēsticia, tēsticiumbaked in a dish, baked in a bowl, dish-baked

tēsticorius, tēsticoria, tēsticoriumwearing a bowl for a skin, wearing a shell for skin

tēsticutis, tēsticutewearing a bowl for a skin, wearing a shell for skin

ūrīnal, ūrīnālis nurinal, pee bowl, piss basin

vatillum, vatillī nbeaker, large drinking bowl, large drinking bowl


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