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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cūna, cūnae fcradle, the nest of young birds, birth, earliest childhood

cūnābula, cūnābulōrum ncradle, resting-place of young animals, the earliest abode, dwellingplace, birth, origin

cūnae, cūnārum fcradle, the nest of young birds, birth, earliest childhood

query 1/E (max. 1000): 34 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
abigere, abigō, abēgī, abāctumdrive away, remove, force birth, procure abortion, get rid of a nuisance

adnātus, adnāta, adnātumborn to, belonging to, connected with by birth

agnātus, agnāta, agnātumborn to, belonging to, connected with by birth

aliquem nātum nōn agnōscōnot to recognise one as a son at birth

annus, quō quis nātus (genitus) estyear of birth

antegenitālis, antegenitālebefore birth

apotelesmaticē, apotelesmaticēs fart of creating a birth chart, art of nativity position

apotelesmaticus, apotelesmatica, apotelesmaticumbelonging to the drawing up of a birth horoscope, belonging to the nativity scene

camilla, camillae fmaiden of unblemished birth and character

catuligenus, catuligena, catuligenumgiving birth to live young

clīnicum partuālematernity clinic, birth clinic

cōgnātiō, cōgnātiōnis fblood relationship, kindred, connection by birth, relations, persons, allied by descent, relationship, association, intimate connection, natural connection, agreement, kindred, resemblance, affinity

connītī, connītor, connīsus (connīxus sum)put forth all one’s strength, strive, struggle, endeavor, press upon, press toward, struggle toward, strive to reach, struggle in giving birth, labor

deipara, deiparae fshe who gives birth to God, of the Virgin Mary

ē partū labōrōhave birth pains, give birth, want to give birth

sectācula, sectāculōrum nsuccession in birth, descent, lineage

secundīna, secundīnae fafter birth

septimēstris partusbirth after seven months of pregnancy

spurius, spuria, spuriumof illegitimate birth, false, spurious

temperātiō nātāliumbirth control

tempus pariendītime to give birth

tempus partūstime of birth

tergeminus, tergemina, tergeminumthree born at a birth, three twin-brothers, threefold, triple, triform

thema, thematis n (θέμα)treated subject, treated topic, theme, position of the celestial signs at one’s birth, nativity, horoscope

trigeminus canisthree born at a birth, three twin-brothers, threefold, triple, triform

trigeminus, trigemina, trigeminumthree born at a birth, three twin-brothers, threefold, triple, triform

urbs nātālishome town, birthplace, city of birth

uterō labōrōhave birth pains

valētūdinārium obstetrīciummaternity clinic, birth clinic

vitium partūsbirth defect

vopiscus, vopiscī mone of a pair of twins, born alive after the premature birth and death of the other


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