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Suchergebnis zu
"bad reichenhall":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 63 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
absit ōmenlet this not be a bad omen!, may this not be a bad omen!

acēdia, acēdiae fpeevishness, moroseness, bad mood, anger, grumpiness

acīdia, acīdiae fpeevishness, moroseness, bad mood, anger, grumpiness

aemulātiō dupliciter dīcitur, ut et in laude et in vitiō hoc nōmen sitthe word aemulatio is used in a double sense, in a good and in a bad sense

aetās mala merx estold age is a bad thing

afflīctus, afflīcta, afflīctum (adflīctus)disquiet greatly, agitate, toss, shatter, damage, harass, injure, trouble, disquiet, vex, torment, distress, disordered, embarrassed, ruined, being in a bad state, being in a ill condition, cast down, dejected, discouraged, desponding, abandoned, outcast, depraved, low, mean

albus an āter sit, nesciōI am indifferent to him, don't know if he is good or bad

alicuius laudem (glōriam, fāmam) obscūrōput someone in a bad light

aliquem ad quodlibet facinus audācem habeōconsider someone capable of any bad deed, trust someone with any shameful deed

aliquid in malam partem accipiōtake something in a bad sense, interpret something for the worse

animus male sibi cōnsciusbad conscience, guilty conscience

animus praesāgit mihi aliquid malīI have a bad feeling, I sense something evil

attrītīs facultātibus sumto live in bad financial circumstances, be in financial distress

audāx, audācis mcheeky, bad boy, villain, daredevil

avis clāmātōriabird of bad omen

cacochȳmus, cacochȳma, cacochȳmumhaving bad humours

cacophēmia, cacophēmiae fbad reputation

cacozēlus, cacozēlī ma bad imitator

calumnia, calumniae fperversion of justice, bringing of an action in bad faith, conviction for malicious prosecution

carbō, carbōnis mcoal, charcoal, something of little value, bad tumor

cērium, cēriī nbad species of swelling or ulcer

cōnscientia culpaebad conscience, sense of guilt

cōnscientia dēlictībad conscience, sense of guilt

cōnscientia flāgitiībad conscience, sense of guilt

cōnscientiae malōrum stimulant aliquemthe bad conscience torments someone

coquus nūndinālisbad cook

corruptus, corrupta, corruptumspoiled, marred, corrupted, bad, mutilated, bad, corrupt

crāpula et gravēdō capitisbad luck, blues

dē calcāriā in ē carbōnāriam perveniōgo from bad to worse, get out of the frying pan and into the fire

dē honōre aliquem dēiciōdegrade someone, cut off someone's honor, make someone look bad

dēprāvārī, dēprāvor, dēprāvātus summorally degenerate, go bad

dēteriōre locō sumbe in bad shape

fāstīdībilis, fāstīdībile nasty, mean, bad, ugly, yuck, wicked, obnoxious, disgusting, ugh

nasty, mean, bad, ugly, yuck, wicked, obnoxious, disgusting, ugh

in reī familiāris angustiīs sumto live in bad financial circumstances, be in financial distress

in ūnō proeliō omnis fortūna disceptāturin one battle all good and bad is decided

male agō cum aliquōbe bad with someone

male mēcum agiturbe in a bad way

male tussiōsuffer violently from a bad cough

malevolus, malevola, malevolum (malivolus)nasty, mean, bad, ugly, yuck, wicked, obnoxious, disgusting, ugh

malitiōsus, malitiōsa, malitiōsumnasty, mean, bad, ugly, yuck, wicked, obnoxious, disgusting, ugh

malum metuō ab aliquōsuspect evil of someone, fear bad things from someone

nocēns, nocentis mwrongdoer, , hat commits a wicked action, bad, wicked, culpable, criminal, malefactor, delinquent

ōlla male fervetthe affair looks bad

pessimus est rērum nostrārum statusour community is in a very bad way

scelerātēbad, impious, wicked, infamous, vicious, flagitious

scelerātus, scelerāta, scelerātumbad, impious, wicked, infamous, vicious, flagitious

sinister, sinistra, sinistrumleft, on the left, on the left hand, on the left side, awkward, wrong, perverse, improper, unlucky, injurious, adverse, unfavorable, ill, bad

tālis, tālesuch, of such a kind, of such a nature, of such a quality, such like, so distinguished, so great, so excellent, so good, so beautiful, so fine, so great, so extreme, so bad

trīstitiam alicuī afferōmake someone grumpy, annoy someone, put sombody in a bad mood,

tū ne cēde malīsdo not give way to misfortune, don't give in to bad luck

ultimē affectusin extremely bad situation, in extremely bad circumstances

ūnicus, ūnica, ūnicumone and no more, only, sole, single, alone of its kind, singular, uncommon, unparalleled, unique, singularly bad, detestable

valētūdō malapoor health, feeling bad, poor well-being

valētūdō, valētūdinis fhabit, state of body, condition of body, state of health, health, good state, good condition, soundness of body, good health, healthfulness, bad state, bad condition, ill health, sickness, feebleness, infirmity, indisposition, health, soundness

vapidē mē habeōfeel bad

vērōsus, vērōsa, vērōsumfull of slime, covered with slime, slimy, having a bad odor, stinking, fetid, poisonous, foul

vīlēscere, vīlēscō, vīluībecome worthless, become bad, become vile

vīlīscere, vīlīscō, vīluībecome worthless, become bad, become vile

vīlitās mōrumbad character, mean character

vīlitās verbōrummean words, bad words

vīrōsus, vīrōsa, vīrōsumfull of slime, covered with slime, slimy, having a bad odor, stinking, fetid, poisonous, foul

vitiōsus, vitiōsa, vitiōsumfull of faults, full of defects, faulty, defective, bad, corrupt, diseased, morally faulty, wicked, depraved, vicious


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