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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
Bestimmung lateinischer Wortformen
(15) Gib Verben auch im Deutschen in der 1.Sgl. ein (ohne "ich")!

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adnumerāre, adnumerō, adnumerāvī, adnumerātumcount to, count out to, put to a person’s account, add to, include with, reckon with, attribute, impute to, reckon for, consider equal to,

adsīgnāre, adsīgnō, adsīgnāvī, adsīgnātummark out to one, appoint to one, assign, distribute, allot, give by assigning, confer upon, ascribe, attribute, impute to one as a crime, reckon as a service, commit, consign, give over to one to keep, give over to one to take care of, make a mark upon something

adtribūtiō, adtribūtiōnis fassignment of a money-debt, predicate, attribute

adtribūtum, adtribūtī nmoney assigned from the public treasury, predicate, attribute

assīgnāre, assīgnō (adsīgnō), assīgnāvī, assīgnātummark out to one, appoint to one, assign, distribute, allot, give by assigning, confer upon, ascribe, attribute, impute to one as a crime, reckon as a service, commit, consign, give over to one to keep, give over to one to take care of, make a mark upon something, sea

attribūtiō, attribūtiōnis f (adtribūtiō)assignment of a money-debt, predicate, attribute

attribūtum, attribūtī nmoney assigned from the public treasury, predicate, attribute

circumstantia, circumstantiae fa standing round, a surrounding, the state, condition, circumstances, attribute, quality

cōnferre, cōnferō, contulī, collātumrefer something to, ascribe something to, attribute, impute, assign, ascribe to one, lay to the charge of, transfer to a fixed point of time, fix, assign, refer, appoint, put off, defer, postpone, bring on, cause, occasion, induce

congerere, congerō, congessī, congestumtake together, comprise, compile, put something upon one, accumulate, heap upon, impart, ascribe to, impute, attribute

dēlēgāre, dēlēgō, dēlēgāvī, dēlēgātumsend, assign, dispatch, delegate, assign, confide, commit, intrust, lay upon a person any charge, impose upon a person any charge, impose an order, impose a business, impose a command, refer to, transfer, make over, attribute, impute, ascribe to

tribuere, tribuō, tribuī, tribūtumgrant, give, show, pay, render, yield, give up, concede, allow, ascribe, assign, attribute, divide, distribute, bestow upon, spend upon, devote

query 1/E (max. 1000): 20 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adscrībere, adscrībō, adscrīpsī, adscrīptumannex by writing, add to a writing, impute, ascribe, attribute to, settle, , fix, designate, appoint, , apply, refer something to one’s self, enroll, enter in a list, reckon in a class, number in a class, include among, add to, join to

adtribuere, adtribuō, adtribuī, adtribūtumassociate, add to, join to, annex, assign, bestow, give, join in addition, add, attribute to one, impute to one, charge with, ascribe to, lay as a tax, lay as a tribute

alicuī societātī adscrīptusannex by writing, add to a writing, impute, ascribe, attribute to, settle, , fix, designate, appoint, , apply, refer something to one’s self, enroll, enter in a list, reckon in a class, number in a class, include among, add to, join to

annumerāre, annumerō (adnumerō), annumerāvī, annumerātumcount to, count out to, put to a person’s account, add to, include with, reckon with, give the number of something, attribute to, impute to, reckon for, consider equal to

ascrībere, ascrībō (adscrībō), ascrīpsī, ascrīptumannex by writing, add to a writing, impute, ascribe, attribute to, settle, , fix, designate, appoint, , apply, refer something to one’s self, enroll, enter in a list, reckon in a class, number in a class, include among, add to, join to

attribuere, attribuō (adtribuō), attribuī, attribūtumassociate, add to, join to, annex, assign, bestow, give, join in addition, add, attribute to one, impute to one, charge with, ascribe to, lay as a tax, lay as a tribute

culpam alicuī assīgnōblame someone, attribute guilt to someone

culpam alicuī attribuōblame someone, attribute guilt to someone


Wortform von: attribute
[63] Vok. Sgl. m. PPP von attribuere, attribuō (adtribuō), attribuī, attribūtum
teile zu; verleihe; weise zu; überweise; erteile zu; weise an; auferlege; ordne unter; füge hinzu; schreibe zu; lege bei; messe bei; ordne zu; zuerteile; teile durch Anweisung zu; verleihe durch Anweisung; stelle unter jds. Kommando; unterwerfe (jdm. etw.);
[80] Adv. des PPP von attribuere, attribuō (adtribuō), attribuī, attribūtum
teile zu; verleihe; weise zu; überweise; erteile zu; weise an; auferlege; ordne unter; füge hinzu; schreibe zu; lege bei; messe bei; ordne zu; zuerteile; teile durch Anweisung zu; verleihe durch Anweisung; stelle unter jds. Kommando; unterwerfe (jdm. etw.);

3. Belegstellen für "attribute"

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