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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adīre, adeō, adiī (adīvī), aditumgo to, approach, address, apply to, consult, visit, come up to one in a hostile manner, assail, attack, enter upon, undertake, set about, undergo, submit to

adorīre, adoriōassault, assail

adorīrī, adorior, adortus sumrise up for the purpose of undertaking something hazardous, approach a person in order to address him or to ask something of him, approach one with hostile intent, assault, assail, enter upon any course of action, undertake any thing difficult, undertake any

adpetere, adpetō, adpetīvī, adpetītumstrive after, try to get, grasp after, go somewhere, come somewhere, approach, arrive at, pressing on, rushing on, attack, fall upon, seize upon, assault, assail, strive after earnestly, desire eagerly, long for, have an appetite for, draw on, draw nigh, approach, be at

adtentāre, adtentō, adtentāvī, adtentātumstrive after something, attempt, essay, try, make trial of, solicit, assail, attack

agere, agō, ēgī, āctumbring forth, put forth, put out, shoot, extend, guide, govern, move, impel, excite, urge to a thing, prompt to, induce to, agitate, rouse vehemently, pursue with hostile intent, persecute, disturb, vex, attack, assail

appetere, appetō, appetīvī (appetiī), appetītumstrive after, try to get, grasp after, go somewhere, come somewhere, approach, arrive at, pressing on, rushing on, attack, fall upon, seize upon, assault, assail, strive after earnestly, desire eagerly, long for, have an appetite for, draw on, draw nigh, approach, be at

attemptāre, attemptō, attemptāvī, attemptātumstrive after something, attempt, essay, try, make trial of, solicit, assail, attack, attempt to move, attempt to shake

attemtāre, attemtō, attemtāvī, attemtātumstrive after something, attempt, essay, try, make trial of, solicit, assail, attack, attempt to move, attempt to shake

attentāre, attentō, attentāvī, attentātumstrive after something, attempt, essay, try, make trial of, solicit, assail, attack, attempt to move, attempt to shake

temptāre, temptō, temptāvī, temptātumhandle, touch, feel, try the strength of, make an attempt upon, attack, assail, affect, try, prove, put to the test, attempt, essay, urge, incite, tempt, sound, tamper with, excite, disquiet, disturb, agitate

tentāre, tentō, tentāvī, tentātumhandle, touch, feel, try the strength of, make an attempt upon, attack, assail, affect, try, prove, put to the test, attempt, essay, urge, incite, tempt, sound, tamper with, excite, disquiet, disturb, agitate

query 1/E (max. 1000): 18 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
agitāre, agitō, agitāvī, agitātumtorment, assail with reproach, assail with derision, assail with insult, reprove, blame, scoff, deride, insult, mock, drive on a thing, urge on a thing, drive at, be employed in, be engaged in, have, hold, keep, celebrate, pass, spend, live, dwell, abide, sojourn, be

allātrāre, allātrō (adlātrō), allātrāvī, allātrātumbark at, assail with harsh words, revile, rail at, break upon the shore, dash against the shore

aurēs sūrdās obstrepōassail deaf ears

circumvādere, circumvādō, circumvāsiassail on every side, attack on every side, encompass, beset

coarguere, coarguō, coarguī, coargūtum (coarguitūrus)assail in different directions, overwhelm with reasoning, refute, silence, expose, convict of guilt, convict of crime, prove guilty, prove incontestably a crime, prove incontestably a wrong, prove incontestably a fallacy, demonstrate to be wrong, show to be wrong

deōs suppliciīs fatīgōassail the gods with offerings


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