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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 7 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
admittere, admittō, admīsī, admissumlet go, let run, give loose reins to, let flow loosely, permit to come, give access, grant admittance, give admittance, allow, permit, let it be done, be propitious, favor

adnuere, adnuō, adnuīnod to, nod, ask by a wink, ask by a nod, give assent by nodding, give approval by nodding, nod assent to, approve, favor, allow, grant, promise to do, be favorable to, promise something to one, grant something to one, designate something by a nod

commodāre, commodō, commodāvī, commodātumadjust according to a measure, make fit, make suitable, make right, adapt, accommodate, put in order, give something to one for his convenience or use, give, bestow, lend, grant, allow, please one, be kind to, be obliging to, serve, favor

concēdere, concēdō, concessī, concessumgive place to (in excellence, dignity, rank), give precedence, submit to one’s will, comply with one’s wishes, assent to, concede to, assent to, grant, pardon, allow, concede, consign something over to resign, yield, vouchsafe, confirm to

sinere, sinō, sīvī, situmlet, suffer, allow, permit, give leave, give up, cease, leave a thing undone

subscrībere, subscrībō, subscrīpsī, subscrīptumwrite underneath, write below, write down, sign, subscribe one’s name, set down, note down, assent to, agree to, approve of any thing, grant, allow, accord

tribuere, tribuō, tribuī, tribūtumgrant, give, show, pay, render, yield, give up, concede, allow, ascribe, assign, attribute, divide, distribute, bestow upon, spend upon, devote

query 1/E (max. 1000): 29 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
admittere, admittō, admīsī, admissumsend to, suffer to come to a place, suffer to go to a place, admit, allow one admittance, allow one access, grant an audience, put the male to the female, admit one to counsel, admit one to consultation

agnōscere, agnōscō, agnōvī, agnitumdeclare a thing to be one’s own, announce a thing to be one’s own, allow a thing to be one’s own, admit a thing to be one’s own, acknowledge, understand, recognize, know, perceive by, become acquainted with, perceive, apprehend, discern, remark, see

alicuī iūs admissiōnis līberae dōallow someone free entry, give someone free entry

aliquam comparātiōnem habeōallow a comparison

aliquem in dialogōs inclūdōlet someone join in the discussion, someone allow as a conversation partner

animum relaxōlax, unwind, chill out, allow yourself a change

approbāre, approbō (adprobō), approbāvī, approbātumassent to as good, regard as good, approve, favor, allow a thing to take place, show as being good and true, make evident, prove, demonstrate, confirm, establish, make good to one, render acceptable, satisfactory

arbitrum aliquem addīcōallow someone to be a referee, approve someone to be a referee, allow someone to be an arbitrator

audīre, audiō, audīvī, audītumhear, perceive by hearing, understand by hearing, learn, give ear to, hearken to, attend, hear a teacher, receive instruction from, study under, listen to, lend an ear to, regard, grant, assent to, agree with, approve, allow, obey, heed

avēs admittuntthe birds allow it

collātiōnēs nōn recipiō modo, vērum et efflāgitōnot only allow contributions, but even explicitly demand them

cūlāre, cūlō, cūlāvī, cūlātumallow to procreate

iūdicem aliquem addīcōallow someone to act as a judge

quiēscere, quiēscō, quiēvī, quiētumrest, repose, keep quiet, keep calm, remain neutral, abstain from action, sleep, lie still, be still, be quiet, be silent, suffer quietly, allow quietly, peaceably permit, cease, leave off, desist from, cause to cease, render quiet, stop

tempus alicuī dōallow a period of time

tempus dēlīberandī dōallow time for reflection

tēsticulāre, tēsticulō, tēsticulāvīallow to generate

tēsticulārī, tēsticulorallow to generate

trānsitum alicuī faciōlet someone pass, allow someone to pass

trānsitum dōallow the passage

viam alicuī dōmake room for someone, give someone space, allow someone a way, clear a path for someone

vīnum ad sē importārī nōn sinuntthey do not allow wine to be imported to them, ban the import of wine, prohibit the import of wine


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