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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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(14) "Regierungs%" zeigt alle Wörter, die mit "Regierungs" beginnen

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"adjust to":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accommodāre, accommodō (adcommodō), accommodāvī, accommodātumfit one thing to another, adapt one thing to another, lay on, put on, hang on, prepare for any use, adjust to, adapt to, accommodate to, apply

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: to -

query 1/E (max. 1000): 15 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adtemperāre, adtemperō, adtemperāvī, adtemperātumfit, adjust, accommodate

aptāre, aptō, aptāvi, aptātumfit, adapt, accommodate, apply, put on, adjust, prepare, get ready, furnish, put in order

attemperāre, attemperō, attemperāvī, attemperātumfit, adjust, accommodate

bene collocōadjust

coaptāre, coaptō, coaptāvī, coaptātumfit, join, adjust together with something

commodāre, commodō, commodāvī, commodātumadjust according to a measure, make fit, make suitable, make right, adapt, accommodate, put in order, give something to one for his convenience or use, give, bestow, lend, grant, allow, please one, be kind to, be obliging to, serve, favor

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumpacify, allay, settle, calm, appease, quiet, tranquillize, reconcile, set right, set in or restore to the proper place or condition, arrange, adjust, order, set in order

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumplace together, lay together, bring together, set together, unite, join, connect, collect, aggregate, compose, orde, arrange, adjust

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumput away, put aside, put in place, store up, put away, collect, preserve, pack, adjust, lay out, collect and inurn, inter, bury, lay at rest, quiet

concinnāre, concinnō, concinnāvī, concinnātumjoin fitly together, order, arrange appropriately, set right, adjust, form, cultivate, prepare, cause, occasion, produce, make, render, cause to be something

dīdūcere, dīdūcō, dīdūxī, dīductumdraw apart, part, split, separate, sever, sunder, divide, stretch, digest, distribute, disperse, scatter, settle, adjust

dirimere, dirimō, dirēmī, diremptumtake apart, part, separate, divide, cutting through, break off, interrupt, disturb, put off, delay, adjust, compose, break up, destroy, frustrate, bring to naught, dissuade, be unfavorable

secundāre, secundō, secundāvīadjust, adapt, accommodate, favor, further, second, to be favorable

supparāre, supparōfit, adjust


Wortform von: adjust

3. Belegstellen für "adjust to"

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- bei van der Gucht Wortsuche bei Van der Gucht
- bei Wortsuche bei
- bei Google: engl-lat.
- in Zenon: deutsch-lat.
- in Pons: deutsch-lat.

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