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Suchergebnis zu
"4-stringed musical instrument":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/3E (max. 1000): 58 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aequāmen, aequaminis n, instrument for levelling or smoothing,

aliquem fidibus doceōteach someone to play a stringed instrument

anabolium, anaboliī nsurgical instrument, tweezers, forceps

auriscalpium, auriscalpiī near-pick, surgical instrument, probe

cantātrīx, cantātrīcismusical, singing, female singer, using enchantments

cantus, cantūs mproduction of melodious sound, musical utterance or expression, song, singing, playing, music, crowing, prophetic or oracular song, incantation, charm, magic song

caractēr, caractēris m (Akk. Sgl. caractēra)instrument for branding, instrument for marking, the mark burned, the sign imprinted, characteristic, mark, character, style

cathetēr, cathetēris m (Akk. Sgl. cathetēra)surgical instrument for drawing off the urine, catheter

catīnum, catīnī ndeep vessel for serving up or cooking food, bowl, dish, pot, crucible, censer, air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument, a (natural) hollow in a rock

catīnus, catīnī m (κάτυλος)deep vessel for serving up or cooking food, bowl, dish, pot, crucible, censer, air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument, a (natural) hollow in a rock

cautērium, cautēriī ninstrument used for branding, branding-iron, cautery, instrument used in encaustic painting for burning in the wax

centimālis fistulasurgical instrument, trocar

charactēr, charactēris m (Akk. Sgl. charactēra)an instrument for branding or marking, the mark or sign burned or imprinted, a characteristic, mark, character, style

charactērium, charactēriī nan instrument for branding or marking, the mark or sign burned or imprinted, a characteristic, mark, character, style

chordacista, chordacistae mplayer on a stringed instrument

chōrobatēs, chōrobatae man instrument for finding the level of water, ground-level

cinyra, cinyrae fthe lyre, an instrument of ten strings

circumcīsōrium, circumcīsōriī ninstrument for cutting around

cīsōrium, cīsōriī na cutting instrument

clepsydra, clepsydrae f (κλεψύδρα)instrument for measuring time by water, water-clock, clepsydra, time measured by the clepsydra

clētellae, clētellārum fpack-saddle put upon beasts of burden, especially upon asses, sumpter-saddle, name of a place in Rome, instrument of torture

clītellae, clītellārum fpack-saddle put upon beasts of burden, especially upon asses, sumpter-saddle, name of a place in Rome, instrument of torture

cōnāmentum, cōnāmentī ninstrument for uprooting a plant

concinentia, concinentiae fmusical harmony, concord, symmetry

cordācista, cordācistae mplayer on a stringed instrument

corvus, corvī m (κόραξ)raven, a military implement, grapnel, a battering-ram, surgical instrument (in the form of a hook), the constellation Corvus, a sea-fish, a sucker

crepundia, crepundiōrum na child’s rattle, amulet, rattling musical instruments

crūsma, crūsmatis na musical piece or tune played upon a stringed instrument

crūsmaticus, crūsmatica, crūsmaticumsuitable for playing on a musical instrument

cyclus, cyclī mcircle, recurring period, periodic change, recurrence, instrument for branding

cynara, cynarae fthe lyre, an instrument of ten strings

decachordum, decachordī na musical instrument of ten strings

dentarpaga, dentarpagae finstrument for drawing teeth

dentharpaga, dentharpagae finstrument for drawing teeth

dentidūcum, dentidūcī ninstrument for drawing teeth

diesis, dieseōs f (Akk.Sgl. diesin, Abl. diesī)quarter-tone, first audible tone of an instrument

dioptra, dioptrae foptical instrument to measure the height of places

scalprum, scalprī n (scalper, scalprī m)a sharp cutting instrument, a chisel, knife

scalptōrium, scalptōriī nan instrument for scratching one's self

sentīnāculum, sentīnāculī ninstrument for bailing out the bilgewater of a ship, a scoop

sīcilicula, sīciliculae flittle cutting instrument, a small sickle

sīcilis, sīcilis fcutting instrument, sickle

spādix, spādicis m (Akk.Plur. spādīcas)kind of stringed instrument

specillum, specillī nsurgical instrument for examining diseased parts of the body, probe

strigilis, strigilis fscraper, strigil, surgical instrument of a similar shape, for dropping a liquid into the ear, flute of a column

symphōnia, symphōniae f (συμφωνία),agreement of sounds, concord, harmony, symphony, signal in war, kind of musical instrument

synēmmenon, synēmmenī nconjoined, name of a certain series of musical sounds

syntonum, syntonī ninstrument of the nature of the castanet, played on by the foot

sȳringotomium, sȳringotomiī nsurgical instrument for cutting fistulas

tenāculum, tenāculī ninstrument for holding, holder

terebra, terebrae finstrument for boring, borer, auger, gimlet, trephine, military engine

terebrum, terebrī ninstrument for boring, borer, auger, gimlet, trephine, military engine

tormenta, tormentae fengine for hurling missiles, missile, cord, rope, instrument of torture, rack, clothes-press, mangle

tormentum, tormentī nengine for hurling missiles, missile, cord, rope, instrument of torture, rack, clothes-press, mangle

tribulus, tribulī m (τρίβολος)instrument resting on three of its iron prongs, while a fourth projected upward, thrown on the ground to impede an enemy’s cavalry, caltrop

tritē, tritēs fthird string or third tone in the musical scale

uncus, uncī msurgical instrument

ursar, ursāris ninstrument for smoothing the screed floor


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