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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"rank of angels":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: of -

query 1/2D (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
 Wortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgsehr schlankpergracilis, pergracilepergracilis, pergracileWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei

query 1/E (max. 1000): 49 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aequipollentia, aequipollentiae fequal dignity, equal rank, equivalence, equality

aequivalentia, aequivalentiae fequal value, equality, equal dignity, equal rank

aliquem vātibus īnserōcount someone among the poets, rank someone among the seers

altior gradushigher rank

[vultus]belonging to angels, angelic

ante Iovem habeorhave higher status than Jupiter, rank above Jupiter

antīquior, antīquiusthat is before in rank, that is before in importance, more celebrated, preferable, better, illustrious

antistātus, antistātūs msuperiority in rank

appetītiō prīncipātūsstriving for the first rank

archiatria, archiatriae fthe rank of chief physician

archidiaconātus, archidiaconātūs mrank of the senior deacon, dignity of the senior deacon

capitālis, capitālebelonging to the head, relating to life, by which life is endangered, capital, punishable by death, punishable by the loss of civil rights, that is at the head, chief, first in something, pre-eminent, distinguished, of the first rank, important

celsus, celsa, celsumraised high, extending upward, high, lofty, elevated above that which is common, great, elevated in rank or station, noble, eminent, haughty, proud, high-spirited

classicus, classica, classicumbelonging to a classis, belonging to a fleet, belonging to a division of the Roman people, belonging to the first class, of the highest class, of the highest rank, classical, superior, standard

comitīva, comitīvae fmilitary rank, military charge

comitīva, comitīvae frank at court, court charge

compositus et īnstrūctusin rank and file

concēdere, concēdō, concessī, concessumgive place to (in excellence, dignity, rank), give precedence, submit to one’s will, comply with one’s wishes, assent to, concede to, assent to, grant, pardon, allow, concede, consign something over to resign, yield, vouchsafe, confirm to

condiciō, condiciōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

conditiō, conditiōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

cōnsacrāre, cōnsacrō, cōnsacrāvī, cōnsacrātumdedicate, devote something as sacred to a deity, elevate to the rank of deity, place among the gods, deify, devote to destruction, doom to destruction, execrate, lay upon the altar, hallow, recognize as holy, make immortal, immortalize

cōnsecrāre, cōnsecrō, cōnsecrāvī, cōnsecrātumdedicate, devote something as sacred to a deity, elevate to the rank of deity, place among the gods, deify, devote to destruction, doom to destruction, execrate

cōnsulāris, cōnsulārepertaining to a consul, consular, of consular rank

cōnsulāris, cōnsulāris mone who has been consul, an ex-consul, one of consular rank

cōsulāris, cōsulārepertaining to a consul, consular, of consular rank

dē palmā cum aliquō contendōcontest someone for supreme, dispute someone's first rank, compete with someone for the victory prize

dē prīncipātū cum aliquō contendōdispute someone's first rank, dispute someone's highest rank, fight with someone for first rank, compete with someone for first rank

decemvirātus, decemvirātūs mdecemvirate, rank of a decemvir, office of a decemvir

dēminōrāre, dēminōrōlessen, diminish in honor or rank

dēmolalētus, dēmolalēta, dēmolalētumon everyone's lips, known to the people, well known, widely known, man of rank and repute

dēnūbere, dēnūbō, dēnūpsī, dēnūptummarry off, marry, demean one’s self by marriage, marry beneath one’s rank

dignitās, dignitātis fbeing worthy, worth, worthiness, merit, desert, dignity, greatness, grandeur, authority, rank, official dignity, honorable employment, office, men holding high office, men in honorable employment, value, excellence

dignitātis ōrdineby rank, according to rank

secundānus, secundāna, secundānum the second in rank, the second in rank

secundātus, ūs msecond place, second rank

secundicērius, secundicēriī mfunctionary of the second rank

sequiusfollowing, later in rank, later in order, less than something mentioned before, otherwise, differently, not so

sine tribūwithout rank, without position

sordēs, sordis fdirt, filth, uncleanness, squalor, lowness of rank, meanness of rank, low condition, meanness, baseness of behavior, dregs of the people, mob, rabble, meanness, stinginess, niggardliness, sordidness

sors, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order

sortis, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order

squālor, squālōris mstiffness, roughness, dirtiness, filthiness, foulness, squalor, lowest rank

subrancidus, subrancida, subrancidumsomewhat rank, slightly tainted

tertiocērius, tertiocēriī mfunctionary of the third rank

triāriī, triāriōrum mthe triarii, a class of Roman soldiers who formed the third rank from the front

tribūnal, tribūnālis ntribunal erected as a monument to a deceased person of high rank, mound, dam, embankment, height, greatness

ut quisque est honōrātioraccording to their rank

vir senātōriī ōrdinisa man of senatorial rank

vir senātōriī ōrdinis estthe man belongs to the senatorial rank


3. Belegstellen für "rank of angels"

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