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Suchergebnis zu
"with the teeth":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: the - with -

query 1/E (max. 1000): 58 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ambidēns, ambidentusa sheep which has both upper and lower teeth

animālia cibum dentibus capessuntanimals grab the food with their teeth

bidēns, bidentiswith two teeth, with two prongs, with two points

bidēns, bidentis fanimal for sacrifice (swine, sheep, ox), animal for sacrifice whose two rows of teeth are complete

bidēns, bidentis m (δίκελλα)heavy hoe or mattock with two crooked iron teeth

brocchitās, brocchitātis fprojection of the teeth in animals

brocchus, broccha, brocchum (bei Tieren)projecting, with projecting teeth

broccus, brocca, broccum (bei Tieren)projecting, with projecting teeth

brochitās, brochitātis fprojection of the teeth in animals

brochus, brocha, brochumprojecting, with projecting teeth

bronchus, broncha, bronchumprojecting, with projecting teeth

broncus, bronca, broncumprojecting, with projecting teeth

calceātī dentēsteeth well prepared for biting

candidulī dentēsshiny white teeth

candor dentiumdazzling whiteness of the teeth

collūtiō dentiumbrush teeth, teeth brushing

concāsus dentiumteeth chattering, , teeth gnashing

dentārius, dentāria, dentāriumpertaining to the teeth

dentarpaga, dentarpagae finstrument for drawing teeth

dentātus, dentāta, dentātumtoothed, having teeth, dentated, spiked, pointed, polished with a tooth

dentēs adversīfront teeth

dentēs alicuī exturbōknock out someone's teeth

dentēs aquā colluōrinse the teeth thoroughly with water

dentēs caballīnīhorse teeth

dentēs cariōsīrotten teeth

dentes cavātīhollow teeth

dentēs collīdunturteeth chatter

dentēs genuīnīmolars, molar teeth

dentēs māxillārēsmolars, molar teeth

dentēs praecīsōrēsincisors, incisor teeth

dentēs pullīnīfirst teeth

dentēs restringōbare teeth

dentēs spīnā argenteā perfodiōpoke teeth with a silver toothpick

dentēs venenātīpoison teeth

dentharpaga, dentharpagae finstrument for drawing teeth

dentibus atque comīs ūtor ēmptīswear dentures and a wig, wear false teeth and false hair

dentibus folliculōs fabārum spoliōhull the beans with the teeth

dentibus īnfrendeōgnash one's teeth

dentibus spoliōpull off with the teeth

denticulātus, denticulāta, denticulātumfurnished with small teeth, denticulated

denticulus, denticulī mlittle tooth, agricultural implement with teeth, dentils

dentidūcum, dentidūcī ninstrument for drawing teeth

dentifer, dentifera, dentiferumprovided with tines, provided with teeth

dentifrangibulus, dentifrangibula, dentifrangibulumteeth breaking out, teeth knocking out

dentifrangibulus, dentifrangibulī mtooth-breaker, one who knocks out teeth

dentilegum tē faciamwill smash your teeth

dentilegus, dentilegī mone who picks up his teeth, tooth-gatherer

dentīre, dentiōgetting teeth, teething

irpex, irpicis mlarge rake with iron teeth, harrow

prīmōrēs dentēsfront teeth

prīmōrēs dentēsthe first teeth (after birth)

spem dēvorōget one's teeth into a hope, cling to a hope

trebla, treblae fthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth

trībula, trībulae fthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth

trībulum, trībulī nthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth

tridēns, tridentishaving three teeth, having three tines, three-tined, threepronged, tridented, trident

trivolum, trivolī nthreshing-sledge, consisting of a wooden platform studded underneath with sharp pieces of flint or with iron teeth

urpex, urpicis mlarge rake with iron teeth, harrow


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