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Suchergebnis zu
"with others":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: with -
query 1/E (max. 1000): 38 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā cēterīs abruptuscut from the rest, cut off from the others

adsimilātiō, adsimilātiōnis f (adsimulātiō)assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others

adsimilātiō, adsimulātiōnis fassimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others

adsimulātiō, adsimulātiōnis fassimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others

aecus, aeca, aecumplain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, advantageous, propitious, favorable, kind, friendly, benevolent, equal, like, fair, equitable, impartial in conduct toward others, right, reasonable, unruffled, calm, composed, tranquil, patient, enduring

aequitās, aequitātis fquality of being aequus, uniform relation of one thing to others, equality, conformity, symmetry, just or equitable conduct toward others, justice, equity, fairness, righteousness, quiet state of mind, tranquil state of mind, evenness of temper, moderation, calmness

aequum, aequī nequity, equitable conduct toward others, fairness, equity

aequus, aequa, aequumplain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, advantageous, propitious, favorable, kind, friendly, benevolent, equal, like, fair, equitable, impartial in conduct toward others, right, reasonable, unruffled, calm, composed, tranquil, patient, enduring

alia animālia sūgunt, alia carpuntsome animals suck, others pluck

aliās rēs agōpay attention to others

aliēnīs cōnsiliīs abdūcorlet yourself be seduced by the advice of others, be seduced by foreign advice

aliī ... aliī ...some - others

aliī aliā dīlāpsī suntsome escaped this way, others that other way

aliīs leporem excitōtoil for others, feed others through, chase a rabbit into the kitchen for others

allēctor, allēctōris mone that chooses others into a college, a deputy under the emperors, who collected the taxes in the provinces, chief collector

arbitrātū suōunauthorised, on one's own, without the consent of others, without the intervention of others

assimilātiō, assimilātiōnis f (adsimilātiō)assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others

assimulātiō, assimulātiōnis f (adsimulātiō)assimilating, being similar, similarity, likeness, feigned adoption of the opinion of one’s hearers, comparison of one thing with others

beneficentia, beneficentiae fkindness, beneficence, an honorable and kind treatment of others

benificentia, benificentiae fkindness, beneficence, an honorable and kind treatment of others

benīgnitās, benīgnitātis fthe quality of one benignus, an affable bearing to others, kind bearing to others, kindness, friendliness, courtesy, benevolence, benignity, liberality, bounty, favor, lenity, mercy

cēterī, cēterae, cēterathe rest, the others

cēterīs eloquentiā longē antecellōfar surpass the others in eloquence

collēgātārius, collēgātāriī mperson to whom is bequeathed a legacy in common with others, collegatary, joint-legatee

commerciō aliquem prohibeōdeny someone trade, shut someone off from dealing with others, cut off from intercourse with others, shut off from the outside world

commerciō aliquem prohibeōexclude someone from contact with others

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumdispose, arrange, contrive, devise, prepare, arrange in agreement with others, agree upon, contrive, devise, invent, conspire to make, feign, invent

concentor, concentōris mone who sings with others in a chorus

cōnscientia, cōnscientiae fa knowing of a thing together with another person, joint knowledge, a joint knowledge of something, a being privy to, a knowing along with others, privity, cognizance

cōnscius, cōnscia, cōnsciumknowing with others or self-knowing, conscious of something with another, privy to, conscious to one’s self of wrong

convīvāre, convīvōto feast with others, to banquet with others, carouse together, consume, eat

convīvārī, convīvor, convīvātus sumto feast with others, to banquet with others, carouse together, consume, eat

differre ā cēterīsdiffer from the others

secūtulēius, secūtulēia, usecūtulēimthat follows after others, that runs after others, man crazy

sēpōnere, sēpōnō, sēposuī, sēpositumsend into banishment, banish, exile, lay apart, lay aside, put by, separate, pick out, select, lay aside, set aside, set apart, assign, appropriate, reserve, remove, take away from others, exclude, select

superexaltāre, superexaltō, superexaltāvi, superexaltātumexalt above others

ūsū hominum aliquem prohibeōexclude from intercourse with others

ut alia omittamto leave aside other things, apart from other, among others


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