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Suchergebnis zu
"winter calm":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 1 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alcēdōnia, alcēdōniōrum nfourteen winter days during which the kingfisher broods and the sea is calm, deep calm, profound tranquillity

query 1/E (max. 1000): 61 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aecor, aecoris nlevel surface, plane surface, even surface of the sea, , calm sea, smooth sea

aecus, aeca, aecumplain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, advantageous, propitious, favorable, kind, friendly, benevolent, equal, like, fair, equitable, impartial in conduct toward others, right, reasonable, unruffled, calm, composed, tranquil, patient, enduring

aequam mentem servōkeep calm

aequanimus, aequanima, aequanimumeven-tempered, patient, composed, calm

aequō animō sumbe calm, be cool

aequor, aequoris nlevel surface, plane surface, even surface of the sea, , calm sea, smooth sea

aequus, aequa, aequumplain, even, level, flat, favorable, convenient, advantageous, propitious, favorable, kind, friendly, benevolent, equal, like, fair, equitable, impartial in conduct toward others, right, reasonable, unruffled, calm, composed, tranquil, patient, enduring

aesculētum, aesculētī nforest of winter oaks or Italian oaks

aesculus, aesculī fthe tallest species of oak, winter oak, Italian oak, hunting spear

alicuius īram dēprecorseek to placate someone, seek to calm someone's anger

Alpēs hieme clausaethe Alps, inaccessible in winter

Alpēs hieme obstrūctaethe Alps, inaccessible in winter

animum compōnōcalm down, compose oneself

asperrimum hiemisthe roughest winter time

bellum hībernumwinter war

blanda quiēscosy calm, seductive calm

brūma, brūmae f (< brevissima)shortest day in the year, winter solstice, winter time, winter, year

brūmālis, brūmālepertaining to the winter solstice, pertaining to the shortest day, wintry, of winter

capricornus, capricornī m (αἰγόκερως)capricorn (having a goat’s horns), sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the winter solstice

castra hībernawinter camp

chīmerinus, chīmerina, chīmerinumbelonging to winter, winter

circulus brūmālewinter tropic, winter solstice

clēmēns, clēmentismild, calm, soft, gentle, placid, smooth, quiet, tranquil, kind, tame, domesticated, forbearing, indulgent, compassionate, merciful, mitigated, accessible

clēmentia, clēmentiae fcalm, tranquil state of the elements, calmness, mildness, tranquillity, indulgent conduct, forbearing conduct, moderation, mildness, humanity, forbearance, benignity, clemency, mercy, kindness, sympathy

coeptā hiemeafter the onset of winter

coeptō coercēre sēditiōnemundertake to calm the uprising

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumpacify, allay, settle, calm, appease, quiet, tranquillize, reconcile, set right, set in or restore to the proper place or condition, arrange, adjust, order, set in order

compositus, composita, compositumcompound, composite, made up of partsmature, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed, calm, composed, unimpassioned

compositus, composita, compositumwell-arranged, ordered, well-constituted, orderly, regular, fitly disposed for any purpose, prepared, apt, fit, adapted, qualified, suitable, ready, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed, calm, composed, unimpassioned, sedate

concitātam multitūdinem reprimōappease the angry crowd, calm the angry mob

cōpiās ex hībernāculīs extrahōpull the troops out of the winter layer

cor mihi rīte salitmy heart stays calm

cum bonā pācepeaceful, calm

diēbus brūmālibuson the shortest days, in the middle of winter

diēs hiemāliswinter day,

hieme et vērein winter and in spring

horōlogium ad tempus hībernum aptōset the clock to winter time

pellēs, pellium fwinter tents

quiēscere, quiēscō, quiēvī, quiētumrest, repose, keep quiet, keep calm, remain neutral, abstain from action, sleep, lie still, be still, be quiet, be silent, suffer quietly, allow quietly, peaceably permit, cease, leave off, desist from, cause to cease, render quiet, stop

sēdātus, sēdāta, sēdātumcomposed, moderate, calm, quiet, tranquil, sedate

sēdāre, sēdō, sēdāvī, sēdātumcause to sit, allay, settle, still, calm, assuage, appease, quiet, check, end, stop, stay

silēns, silentisstill, calm, quiet, silent

silēscere, silēscōbecome still, become silent, become calm

silīgo, silīginis fkind of very white wheat, winter wheat, fine wheaten flour

sōpīre, sōpiō, sōpīvī (sōpiī), sōpītumdeprive of feeling, deprive of sense, put to sleep, lull to sleep, lay to rest, lay to kill, lay at rest, lay to calm, settle, still, quiet

submissus, submissa, submissumlet down, lowered, low, soft, gentle, calm, not vehement, low, mean, grovelling, abject, humble, submissive

summā hiemein deep winter, in the deep of winter

summissus, summissa, summissumlet down, lowered, low, soft, gentle, calm, not vehement, low, mean, grovelling, abject, humble, submissive

tempus brūmālewinter season, wintertime

tempus hiemālewintertime, winter season

tractus ōrātiōnislow-key style of speech, calm movement of speech

trānquillum, trānquillī npeace, silence, calm, calm sea

trānquillus, trānquilla, trānquillumquiet, calm, still, tranquil, not disturbed, peaceful, placid, composed, untroubled, undisturbed, serene

tropa chīmerinus, chīmerina, chīmerinumwinter solstice

ūnā cum legiōne hiemārespend the winter together with the legion

vēr in hiemem revolviturspring falls back into winter

vetera novīs et quiēta turbidīs antehabeōprefer the old to the new and the calm to the storm

vīs hiemāliswinter cold

xystum, xystī ncovered portico or gallery, where the athletes exercised in winter, open colonnade, open portico, a walk planted with trees

xystus, xystī mcovered portico or gallery, where the athletes exercised in winter, open colonnade, open portico, a walk planted with trees


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