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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 18 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aquilentus, aquilenta, aquilentumfull of water, humid, wet

colluere, colluō, colluī, collūtumwash thoroughly, wash out, rinse, moisten, wet, quench thirst, wash up (earth) by the waves

cōluere, cōluō, cōluī, cōlūtumwash thoroughly, wash out, rinse, moisten, wet, quench thirst, wash up (earth) by the waves

conluere, conluō, conluī, conlūtumwash thoroughly, wash out, rinse, moisten, wet, quench thirst, wash up (earth) by the waves

tingere, tingō, tīnxī, tīnctum wet, moisten, bathe with, bathe in any liquid, soak in color, dye, color, tinge, produce a color, bring out a color, baptize, imbue, well furnish with

tinguere, tinguō, tīnxī, tīnctumwet, moisten, bathe with, bathe in any liquid, soak in color, dye, color, tinge, produce a color, bring out a color, baptize, imbue, well furnish with

ūdāre, ūdō, ūdāvīwet, moisten

ūdus, ūda, ūdumwet, moist, damp, humid, tearful

ūlīginōsus, ūlīginōsa, ūlīginōsumfull of moisture, wet, moist, damp, marshy

ūmectāre, ūmectō, ūmectāvī, ūmectātummoisten, wet, be moist, tearful, weep

ūmectus, ūmecta, ūmectumof a moist nature, moist, damp, wet

ūmefacere, ūmefaciō, ūmefēcī, ūmefactummake moist, moisten, wet

ūmēns, ūmentismoist, damp, wet

ūmidus, ūmida, ūmidum moist, humid, damp, dank, wet, watery, weak

ūmōrōsus, ūmōrōsa, ūmōrōsummoist, wet

ūvēns, ūventismoist, wet, humid

ūvidulus, ūvidula, ūvidulummoist, wet

ūvidus, ūvida, ūvidummoist, wet, damp, dank, humid, juicy

query 1/E (max. 1000): 31 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cohūmidāre, cohūmidōmoisten all over, to wet

continguere, continguōto wet, moisten

corpus aquā tangōwet the body with water, moisten the body with water

siccēdryly, without wet or damp

submānāre, submānōglide under, trickle under, wet somewhat

sūdāre, sūdo, sūdāvi, sūdātumsweat, perspire, sweat with, perspire with, to be wet with, moist with, drenched in any thing, sweat, drip, distil from any thing, toil, labor hard, exert one’s self, fatigue one’s self, tire one’s self out

summānāre, summānōglide under, trickle under, wet somewhat, do something wet

tellūs pluviō madēscit ab aurōthe earth gets wet by the rain-laden south wind

ūdī oculīwet eyes, watery eyes

ūmēre, ūmeōbe moist, be damp, be wet

ūmēscere, ūmēscōgrow moist, grow wet

ūmidum, ūmidī n moist place, wet place, damp place

ūvēscere, ūvēscōbecome moist, become wet, become damp, become dank, become humid, grow moist, grow wet, grow damp, grow dank, grow humid, moisten one’s self, refresh one’s self, drink freely, tipple


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