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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
sonāre, sonō, sonuī, sonitummake a noise, sound, resound, utter, give utterance, speak, call, cry out, sing, pour forth

query 1/E (max. 1000): 17 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
apta inter sē et cohaerentia dīcōutter connected and coherent words

articulāre, articulō, articulāvī, articulātumdivide into single members or joints, utter distinctly, articulate

blatīre, blatiōutter foolish things, babble, prate

canere, canō, cecinī, cantumproduce melodious sounds, sing of, celebrate in song, make known in song, utter melodious notes, sing, sound, play, speak in a sing-song tone, crow, resound, rehearse, recite, cause to resound, prophesy, foretell, predict, blow

cuccubīre, cuccubiōhoot, utter a hoot

cucubīre, cucubiōhoot, utter a hoot

cūcubāre, cūcubōhoot, utter a hoot

dēspērātiō rērum omniumutter hopelessness, hopeless situation

dīra precor alicuīutter curses against someone

gemere, gemō, gemuī, gemitumsigh, groan, cry, make a mournful noise, creak, utter complaints

strīdēre, strīdeō, strīdīutter any harsh sound, utter any shrill sound, utter any hissing sound, utter any whistling sound, utter any grating sound, utter any creaking sound, creak, hiss, whizz, whistle, rattle, buzz

strīdere, strīdō, strīdīutter any harsh sound, utter any shrill sound, utter any hissing sound, utter any whistling sound, utter any grating sound, utter any creaking sound, creak, hiss, whizz, whistle, rattle, buzz

ululāre, ululō, ululāvī, ululātumhowl, yell, shriek, utter a mournful cry, ring, resound, re-echo, howl forth, utter with howlings, cry out, wail over, howl over, fill (a place) with howling, fill (a place) with yells, fill (a place) shrieks

vānārī, vānorutter empty words

verbum facere omnīnō nōn possumnot be able to utter a word

vōcificāre, vōcificōcry aloud, utter a loud cry, proclaim


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