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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 8 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aphanticus, aphantica, aphanticumdesolate, uncultivated, deserted

barbarus, barbara, barbarumforeign, strange, barbarous, uncultivated, ignorant, rude, unpolished, wild, savage, cruel

crassus, crassa, crassumsolid, thick, dense, fat, gross, greatly, swollen, heavy, stupid, dull, stolid, uncultivated, clumsy

crūdus, crūda, crūdumfresh, vigorous, unprepared, unpolished, rude, rough, hoarse, not prepared, not matured, rough, unfeeling, cruel, merciless, uncultivated

dūrus, dūra, dūrumhard, rough, tough, uncultivated, hardy, vigorous, harsh, rough, stern, unyielding, unfeeling, insensible, obstinate, shameless, impudent, severe, toilsome, troublesome, burdensome, disagreeable, adverse, unfortunate

squālidus, squālida, squālidumiff, rough, dirty, foul, filthy, neglected, squalid, uncultivated, gloomy, obscure, rude, unadorned, wretched, incurable

stolidus, stolida, stolidumunmovable, slow, coarse, uncultivated, rude, dull, senseless, slow of mind, obtuse, stupid, stolid

vāstus, vāsta, vāstumempty, unoccupied, waste, desert, uncultivated, unpolished, rude, rough, harsh, harsh-sounding, desolate, deserted, laid waste, ravaged, devastated, destroyed, vast, immense, enormous, huge, monstrous, prodigious, insatiable, bulky, unwieldy

query 1/E (max. 1000): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
agrī vacantfields are uncultivated

barbarēas a foreigner would, in a foreign tongue, rudely, ignorantly, in an uncultivated way, roughly, barbarously, cruelly

cessāre, cessō, cessāvī, cessātumstand back very much, be remiss in any thing, delay, loiter, cease from, stop, give over, be inactive, be idle, be at leisure, do nothing, be at rest, rest, be still, be inactive, be unemployed, be unused, lie uncultivated, fallow


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