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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 31 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aegrimōnia, aegrimōniae fsorrow, anxiety, trouble

aerumna, aerumnae fneed, want, trouble, toil, hardship, distress, tribulation, calamity, difficulty, defeat

aestus, aestūs mpassionate commotion of the mind, vacillating state of mind, irresolute state of mind, doubt, uncertainty, hesitation, trouble, embarrassment, anxiely, undulatory stream of atoms, atomic efflux

afflīctāre, afflīctō (adflīctō), afflīctāvī, afflīctātumdisquiet greatly, agitate, toss, shatter, damage, harass, injure, trouble, disquiet, vex, torment, distress

afflīctus, afflīcta, afflīctum (adflīctus)disquiet greatly, agitate, toss, shatter, damage, harass, injure, trouble, disquiet, vex, torment, distress, disordered, embarrassed, ruined, being in a bad state, being in a ill condition, cast down, dejected, discouraged, desponding, abandoned, outcast, depraved, low, mean

agitāre, agitō, agitāvī, agitātumput a thing in motion, drive, impel, move, shake, hunt, chase, pursue, drive to and fro, toss about, agitate, disturb, rouse up, excite, move, urge, drive, impel to something, disquiet, disturb, drive hither and thither, vex, trouble

amāricātiō, amāricātiōnis fbitterness, resentment, disappointment, bitterness, severity, acrimoniousness, sadness, sorrow, trouble

amāritūdō, amāritūdinis fbitterness, severity, acrimoniousness, sadness, sorrow, trouble

angere, angō, anxī, anctum (anxum) (cf. ἄγχω)bind together, draw together, press together, throttle, strangle, cause (physical) pain, distress, torment, torture, vex, trouble, puts in torturing suspense

angor, angōris mcompression of the neck, strangling, anguish, torment, trouble, vexation

anxietās, anxietātis fanxiety, temporary anguish, fear, trouble, anxious care, carefulness in regard to a thing

anxietūdō, anxietūdnis fanxiety, trouble, anguish

anxitūdō, anxitūdinis fanxiety, trouble, anguish

asperitās, asperitātis fquality of asper, unevenness, roughness, hoarseness, roughness, severity, dryness, barrenness, harshness, sharpness, acidity, tartness, inequality, contrast, fierceness, asperity, rudeness, adversity, reverse of fortune, trouble, severity, difficulty

calefacere, calefaciō, calefēcī calefactummake warm, make hot, warm, heat, trouble, vex, rouse up, excite, pursue something with zeal

calfacere, calfaciō, calfēcī calfactummake warm, make hot, warm, heat, trouble, vex, rouse up, excite, pursue something with zeal

calficere, calficiōmake warm, make hot, warm, heat, trouble, vex, rouse up, excite, pursue something with zeal

coera, coerae ftrouble, solicitude, care, attention, pains, concern, worries

concutere, concutiō, concussī, concussumimpair, disturb, distract, shake in feeling, agitate violently, put in fear, put in terror, put in anxiety, terrify, terrify in order to extort money, alarm, trouble, urge, excite, rouse to activity

crux, crucis fexecution-tree, gallows bird, hempen rascal, torture, trouble, misery, destruction

cūra, cūrae fan attendant, guardian, overseer, anxiety, solicitude, concern, disquiet, trouble, grief, sorrow, care of love, pain of love, anxiety of love, love, the loved object, the mistress

dēvexāre, dēvexō, dēvexāvīpull asunder, rend asunder, destroy, vex, trouble

difficultās, difficultātis fdifficulty, trouble, distress, poverty, want, obstinacy, captiousness, moroseness

dīvexāre, dīvexō, dīvexāvīpull asunder, rend asunder, destroy, vex, trouble

stimulāre, stimulō, stimulāvi, stimulātumprick with a goad, prick on, goad on, urge on, goad, torment, vex, trouble, disquiet, disturb, rouse up, set in motion, spur on, incite, stimulate

trībulātiō, trībulātiōnis fdistress, trouble, tribulation

turbidāre, turbido, turbidāvī, turbidātumtrouble, make turbid, disturb, obscure

turbāre, turbō, turbāvī, turbātumdisturb, agitate, confuse, disorder, throw into disorder, throw into confusion, disorganize, trouble, make thick, make turbid

turbulentia, turbulentiae ftrouble, disquiet, turbulence

turbulentāre, turbulentōtrouble, disturb

vexāre, vexō, vexāvī, vexātummove violently, shake, agitate, toss back and forth, injure, damage, molest, annoy, distress, plague, trouble, maltreat, abuse, vex, harass, disquiet, disturb, torment, rumple, disorder, crush

query 1/E (max. 1000): 50 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aerumnābilis, aerumnābilethat may be regarded as wretched or miserable, full of trouble, calamitous

aerumnōsus, aerumnōsa, aerumnōsumfull of trouble, full of misery, suffering, wretched, miserable

aestuātiō, aestuātiōnis fboiling up, foaming, trouble of mind, agitation of mind, apprehension, discomfort, imbalance, discomfort

anachītēs, anachītae mname of the diamond as a remedy for sadness and trouble of mind

ananchītida, ananchītidae fname of the diamond as a remedy for sadness and trouble of mind

anancitēs, anancitae mname of the diamond as a remedy for sadness and trouble of mind

angustiārī, angustior, angustiātus sumbe embarrassed, get into trouble

animum alicuius ā mē (ab)aliēnōalienate someone, make trouble with someone,

āvocātiō ā cogitandā molestiādistraction from the thought of trouble

coerāre, coerōcare for, take or have care of, be solicitous for, look to, attend to, trouble one’s self about

coirāre, coirō, coirāvīcare for, take care of, have care of, be solicitous for, look to, attend to, trouble one’s self about

cōrare, cōrōcare for, take care of, have care of, to be solicitous for, look to, attend to, trouble one’s self about

cūrāre, cūrō, cūrāvī, cūrātumcare for, take care of, have care of, be solicitous for, look to, attend to, trouble one’s self about, take the charge of, manage the business of, do a thing in behalf of the state, administer, govern, preside over, command, heal, cure

dē pecūniā labōrōto be in money embarrassment, to be in money trouble, have payment difficulties

difficultāte afficiorget into trouble, get into a difficult position, get into a difficult situation

difficultātem afferōmake trouble, cause trouble

difficultātibus afficiorbe in trouble

tū meā causā multum labōris capisyou go to a lot of trouble because of me

turbulentus, turbulenta, turbulentumfull of trouble, full of commotion, restless, agitated, confused, disturbed, boisterous, stormy, tempestuous, turbid, muddy, stirred up, aroused, excited, making trouble, troublesome, turbulent, factious, seditious


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