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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 4 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cēnsītiō, cēnsītiōnis ftaxing, tax, tribute, declaration of the will, command

stīpendium, stīpendiī ntax, impost, tribute, contribution, Income, subsistence, salary, military service of a year, a year’s service, a campaign, service

tribūtum, tribūtī nstated payment, contribution, tribute, gift, present

tribūtus, tribūtūs mstated payment, contribution, tribute, gift, present

query 1/E (max. 1000): 18 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adtribuere, adtribuō, adtribuī, adtribūtumassociate, add to, join to, annex, assign, bestow, give, join in addition, add, attribute to one, impute to one, charge with, ascribe to, lay as a tax, lay as a tribute

attribuere, attribuō (adtribuō), attribuī, attribūtumassociate, add to, join to, annex, assign, bestow, give, join in addition, add, attribute to one, impute to one, charge with, ascribe to, lay as a tax, lay as a tribute

aurum corōnāriumtribute paid on the accession of an emperor

canōn, canonis m (Akk. Sgl. canona, Pl. canonas)marking line, measuring line, rule, canon, model, wooden channel in hydraulic instruments, annual tribute, established by law, catalogue of sacred writings

canonicārius, canonicāriī mthe collector of an annual tribute

columnārium, columnāriī npillar-tax, tribute for the pillars of a house

decumātēs, decumātium mland subject to tithes, land subject to tribute, tithe-land

stīpendiālis, stīpendiālebelonging to tribute

stīpendiārius, stīpendiāria, stīpendiāriumbelonging to tribute, liable to impost, liable to contribution, tributary, receiving pay, serving for pay, stipendiary

tribūtārius, tribūtāria, tribūtāriumbelonging to tribute, tributary, concerning tribute

tribūtiō, tribūtiōnis fdividing, distributing, distribution, contributing, paying of tribute

tribūtō adsumappear for the collection of the tribute, appear to collect the tribute

vectīgālis, vectīgālebelonging to imposts, belonging to taxes, paying tribute, subject to imposts, tributary, belonging to the revenue, that brings in revenue, that brings in income

venerātiōnem alicuī tribuōpay homage to someone, pay tribute to someone


Wortform von: tribute
[12] Vok. Sgl. m. von tribūtus, tribūta, tribūtum
nach Tribus (Bezirken) eingerichtet;
[63] Vok. Sgl. m. PPP von tribuere, tribuō, tribuī, tribūtum
teile zu; verleihe; wende zu; schenke; gestehe zu; räume ein; erteile; erweise; gewähre; schreibe zu; rechne an; lege aus als; verwende; widme (einer Tätigkeit Zeit ); teile aus; teile ein; verteile; wende auf; statte ab; erteile zu;
[80] Adv. des PPP von tribuere, tribuō, tribuī, tribūtum
teile zu; verleihe; wende zu; schenke; gestehe zu; räume ein; erteile; erweise; gewähre; schreibe zu; rechne an; lege aus als; verwende; widme (einer Tätigkeit Zeit ); teile aus; teile ein; verteile; wende auf; statte ab; erteile zu;
[80] Adv. von tribūtus, tribūta, tribūtum
nach Tribus (Bezirken) eingerichtet;

3. Belegstellen für "tribute"

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