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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
sulcus, sulcī m (ὁλκός)furrow made by the plough, ploughing, long narrow trench, ditch, rut, track, wrinkle of the skin, trail of a meteor

vestīgium, vestīgiī nfootstep, step, footprint, foot-track, track, sole of the foot, trace, mark, sign, token, vestige, point, moment, instant

vestīgāre, vestīgō, vestīgāvī, vestīgātumfollow in the track of, track, trace out, find out by tracing, trace out, discover, search after, seek out, inquire into, investigate

query 1/E (max. 1000): 19 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alicuius vestīgium persequortrace someone, keep track of someone, follow up someone's trail

alicuius vestīgium sequortrace someone, keep track of someone, follow up someone's trail

aliquid in sēdem redūcōput something back in its place, put something back on track

ambitus sīderumstar track, starlight railway

basis, baseōs fpedestal, foot, base, foundation, lowest part of the shaft of a column, the primitive word, root, track of a cattle, footprint of a cattle

basis, basis f (acc. -im, abl. -i; βάσις)pedestal, foot, base, foundation, lowest part of the shaft of a column, the primitive word, root, track of a cattle, footprint of a cattle

cōnsilia alicuius investīgōget onto someone's track

deorbitāre, deorbitō, deorbitāvī, deorbitātumgo out of the track, deviate

deorbitāre, deorbitō, deorbitāvī, deorbitātumturn out of the track, turn aside

exorbitāre, exorbitō, exorbitāvī, exorbitātumturn out of the track, turn aside

lōrīca sertatrack armour, tracked armour, chain mail

spatium, spatiī nroom, space distance, interval, size, bulk, extent walk, promenade, public place, public square, race-course, room in a building, space in a building, action of walking, walk, promenade, turn, course, space of time, period, time, leisure, opportunity, path, race, track

vestīgium faciōleave a trace, draw a track

vestīgium nartatōriumski track, ski trail

viā eōbeing on the right track, walking on a straight path

via per nivēs factasnow track, snow way


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