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Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
tempora, temporum ntimes, circumstances

query 1/E (max. 1000): 104 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aevō sequentīsubsequently, in the following period, in future times

aevō veterein olden times, in olden days

afflagrantia temporaturbulent times, stormy times, wildly moving times

aliāsat a time other than the present, at other times, on another occasion, at another place, elsewhere, in respect of other things, in other circumstances, otherwise, in another manner

aliquotiēs (aliquotiēns)several times, at different times

alterāsat another time, at other times, on another occasion, always at other times, always in other cases, at another place, elsewhere, in respect of other things, in other circumstances, otherwise, in another manner

antīquēin former times, of old, anciently, from ancient times, in the old way, in the old style, in the old fashion

antīquīs temporibusin antiquity, in ancient times, in ancient times

antīquissimīs temporibusin prehistoric times, in prehistory

antīquitās, antīquitātis fcondition of former times, state of former times, the good old times, the honesty of the good old times, integrity, uprightness

antīquitās, antīquitātis fthe quality of being antiquus, age, antiquity, ancient time, occurrences of antiquity, history of ancient times, men of former times, the ancients

antīquitusin former times, of old, anciently, from ancient times, in the old way, in the old style, in the old fashion

antīquitus īnstitūtum estsince ancient times it has been the custom

avītēfrom ancient times

bis (δίς)twice, at two times, on two occasions, in two ways, doubly, twofold, in a twofold manner

bis et vīciēstwenty-two times

bis terqueseveral times, repeatedly, utterly

bis tervetwo or three times, two or three times, very rarely

bisque terquemore than once, two to three times

bona temporagood times

cānitusfrom old times

carptimby pieces, by detached parts, in parts, separately, at different places, at different points, on different sides, at different times, at one time and another, now and then, at intervals

celerī humum ter pede pulsōwith quick steps I stamp three times on the earth (in dance)

centiēns (centiēs)a hundred times

centiēsa hundred times

centiēs mīliēsa hundred thousand times

centuplī̆ccātō vēneōbe sold a hundred times dearer

collēctiōne spīritūs plenus ter continuō sternūtāvitpuffed up from holding his breath, he sneezed three times in a row

complūriēnsseveral times, many times, often

complūriēsseveral times, many times, often

complūriēsseveral times, many times, often

condamat a certain time, at one time, once, heretofore, formerly, the late, the former, the deceased, at certain times, at times, sometimes, one day, some day, ever

conversiō temporumturning point, turn of the times

crēbrōclose one after another, repeatedly, often, oftentimes, frequently, many times

Daedalus, Daedalī mAthenian architect of the times of Minos, father of Icarus, builder of the Cretan labyrinth

dē mōreaccording to custom, in accordance with the times

decem partibus ... mālimI'd rather ten times, , ,

decemplicātus, decemplicāta, decemplicātummultiplied by ten, ten times over

deciēns (deciēs)ten times, an indefinite large number or sum

deciēs (deciēns)ten times, an indefinite large number or sum

deciēs centiēs mīliēsa million times

decuplum, decuplī nten times as much

in aetāte (hominum)at times, sometimes, now and then, at any time, always, ever

nūper (Sup. nūperrimē)newly, lately, recently, not long ago, recently, in modern times, formerly, once

quondamat a certain time, at one time, once, heretofore, formerly, the late, the former, the deceased, at certain times, at times, sometimes, one day, some day, ever

septemfāriamseven times

septiēs (septiēns)seven times

septiēs deciēs (septiēns deciēns)seventeen times

septimōfor the seventh time, seven times

septingentiēsseven hundred times

septuāgiēsseventy times

septuplus, septupla, septuplumseven times

sescentiēs (sescentiēns),six hundred times, six hundred times a hundred thousand

sēstertium sexāgiēnssixty times a hundred thousand sesterces, six millions of sesterces

sexāgiēnssixty times

sexāgiēssixty times

sexiēs (sexiēns)six times

sextōsix times

subtriplus, subtriplī mcontained three times in a larger number

sūmō mihi triplextake three times as much

tempora graviadire straits, difficult times, rough stretches, challenging times

tempora inīquadire straits, difficult times, rough stretches, challenging times

tempora subsecundāriaspare time, leisure moments, non-productive times, free time

temporātimat times, according to time, chronologically

temporī serviōcomply with the times

temporum clausulaend of times

tempus, temporis n (cf. τέμνω)portion of time, period of time, a time, time, season, fitting time, appointed time, the right season, proper period, opportunity, state of the times, position, state, condition

terthree times, thrice, often, repeatedly

terdeciēs (terdeciēns)thirteen times

tertiōfor the third time, in the third place, thirdly, three times

totiēnsso often, so many times, as often, as many times

totiēsso often, so many times, as often, as many times

trāditiō, trāditiōnis fgiving up, delivering up, surrender, teaching, instruction, saying handed down from former times, tradition

trecentiēsthree hundred times

tricentiēs (tricentiēns)three hundred times

trīciēsthirty times

= slave, from whom with the beating three times the skin was pulled off

trifer, trifera, triferumthricebearing, that bears fruit three times a year

trigamus, trigamī mthricemarried man, one who has three wives, one who has been married three times

trīgiēsthirty times

trīnus versusverse repeated three times, stanza repeated three times

tripartīre, tripartiō, tripartīvīdivide three times, split three times, divide in three

tripertīre, tripertiō, tripertīvīdivide three times, split three times, divide in three

trīpictus, trīpicta, trīpictumwritten three times

triplex, triplicis nthree times as much, threefold portion, triple

triplex, triplicis nthree times as much, threefold portion, triple

triplō māiorthree times bigger, three times larger

triplum, triplī nthe triple, three times as much

trisēmus, trisēma, trisēmumcontaining three syllabic times

trīstia temporaunlucky times, unhappy times, unfortunate times, miserable times

ūndeciēs (ūndeciēns)eleven times

ūndēquadrāgiēnsthirty-nine times

ūndētrīciēstwenty nine times

utrāsqueon both sides, both times

verba tertiātō et quartātō dīcōsay the words three and four times

vetus aetāsprehistory, prehistoric times

vīciēnstwenty times

vīciēstwenty times

vīciēs bistwenty two times

vīciēs mīliēstwenty thousand times

vīciēs semeltwenty-one times

vidē cālīginem temporum illōrumsee the tribulations of those times

vix ter in annōbarely three times a year


Wortform von: times
[21a] 2. Sgl. Ind. Prs. Akt. von timēre, timeō, timuī
fürchte; fürchte mich; habe Angst; scheue mich; bin in Furcht; bin besorgt; habe zu fürchten; muss es aufnehmen;

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