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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adigere, adigō, adēgī, adāctumdrive to a place, bring to a place, take to a place, compel, drive home, plunge, thrust, send to a place, drive to a situation, urge to a situation, bring to a situation

contrūdere, contrūdō, contrūsi, contrūsumthrust together, crowd together, press, thrust, push in, to crowd in

trūdere, trūdō, trūsī, trūsumthrust, push, shove, crowd forward, shove forward, press on, drive, impel, push forth, put forth, send forth, put forward, press hard upon

query 1/E (max. 1000): 22 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
abstrūdere, abstrūdō, abstrūsī, abstrūsumpush away, thrust away, conceal

apolactizāre, apolactizōthrust from one with the foot, spurn, scorn

condere, condō, condidī, conditumpass, spend, live through, bring to a close, conceal, hide, secrete, suppress, close, shut, place in ambush, thrust in deep, strike in deep, to plunge, lose sight of

cynanchē, cynanchēs fan inflammation of the throat, which caused the tongue to be thrust out

dēbatuere, dēbatuōbeat severely, thrust severely

dēmovēre, dēmoveō, dēmōvī, dēmōtummove away, turn away, put away, remove, compel, thrust aside, put out of the way

dēpellere, dēpellō, dēpulī, dēpulsumdrive out, drive away, remove, expel, drive, thrust down, cast down, dislodge an enemy from his position, thrust out, remove from the breast, wean, deter, divert, dissuade from, prevent, hinder, turn away, divert, deny

dēpūlāre, dēpūlsōthrust away, push aside

dētrūdere, dētrūdō, dētrūsī, dētrūsumthrust away, drive away, force away, thrust down, push down, dislodge, dispossess, drive out from his possession, drive from any thing, drive to any thing, bring to any thing, reduce to any thing, keeping out of office, put off, postpone

dēturbāre, dēturbō, dēturbāvī, dēturbātumdrive down, thrust down, cast down, throw down, beat down, strike to the ground, cut off, deprive of

trānsadigere, trānsadigō, trānsadēgī, trānsadāctumthrust through, pierce through

trānserere, trānserō, trānseruī, trānsertumpass through, thrust through, transfer by grafting, ingraft

trānsfīgere, trānsfīgō, trānsfīxī, trānsfīxumthrust through, pierce through, transpierce, transfix

trānsfodere, trānsfodiō, trānsfōdī, trānsfossumthrust through, run through, stab through, transfix, transpierce

trānsigere, trānsigō, trānsēgī, trānsāctumdrive through, thrust through, stick through, stab, pierce one through with a weapon, transfix, transpierce, carry through, bring to an end, finish, settle, complete, conclude, perform, accomplish, despatch, transact any business, dispose of, sell, bring to an end

trānsserere, trānsserōpass through, thrust through, transfer by grafting, ingraft

trānsverberāre, trānsverberō, trānsverberāvī, trānsverberātumstrike through, beat through, thrust through, pierce through, transfix

trusĭtāre, trūsĭtōpush often, thrust often

trusāre, trūsōpush strongly, thrust strongly


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