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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
arma per pactiōnem trādōsurrender

condōnāre, condōnō, condōnāvī, condōnātumgive something to one, to present, deliver up, give up, surrender, deliver up, sacrifice, devote, bring as an offering, give a debt to one, remit a debt, acquit from, pardon, remit an offence, refrain from punishing, present one with something

datiō, datiōnis fact of giving, allotting, distributing, giving up, surrender, the right to give or convey away property, right of alienation, gift

dēdere, dēdō, dēdidī, dēditumgive away, give up from one’s self, give up any thing to one, surrender, deliver, consign, yield, deliver up, give up, devote, dedicate

sequestrāre, sequestrō, sequestrāvī, sequestrātumgive up for safekeeping, surrender, remove, separate from any thing

substernere, substernō, substrāvī, substrātumstrew, scatter, spread, lay under, lay beneath, spread underneath, lay as a ground-color, furnish, bestrew, spread over, cover any thing, spread out, submit for examination, submit for acceptance, give up, surrender, prostitute

succumbere, succumbō, succubuī, succubitumlay under any thing, put one’s self under any thing, fall down, lie down, sink down, lie down to a man, cohabit with a man, yield, be overcome, submit, surrender, succumb

trāditiō, trāditiōnis fgiving up, delivering up, surrender, teaching, instruction, saying handed down from former times, tradition

trādere, trādō, trādidī, trāditumgive up, hand over, deliver, transmit, surrender, consign, deliver, commit, intrust, confide for shelter, confide for protection, surrender treacherously, betray, make over, transmit, leave behind, bequeath, relate, narrate, recount, propose, propound, teach

trānscrībere, trānscrībō, trānscrīpsī, trānscrīptumwrite over, write off in an altered form, alter, forge, make over, transfer, surrender, yield, remove to another place, copy

trānsdere, trānsdō, trānsdidī, trānsditumgive up, hand over, deliver, transmit, surrender, consign, deliver, commit, intrust, confide for shelter, confide for protection, surrender treacherously, betray, make over, transmit, leave behind, bequeath, relate, narrate, recount, propose, propound, teach

trānsscrībere, trānsscrībō, trānsscrīpsī, trānsscrīptumwrite over, transfer in writing, copy off, transcribe, write off, alter, forge, make over, transfer, assign, convey, surrender, yield, remove to another place

query 1/E (max. 1000): 24 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
animō meō obsequorsurrender to his wrath, live according to one's will

arma trādōsurrender the weapons

cōnsecrāre, cōnsecrō, cōnsecrāvī, cōnsecrātumsurrender to the vengeance of any one, devote, consecrate, lay upon the altar, hallow, recognize as holy, make immortal, immortalize

dēditīcius, dēditīcia, dēditīciumbelonging to a surrender, belonging to a capitulation

dēditimby surrender

dēditiō, dēditiōnis fa giving up, a surrender, capitulation

dēditiōne factāafter the surrender has taken place

dēditiōnī immineōtend to surrender, tend to hand over

dēditītius, dēditītia, dēditītiumbelonging to a surrender, belonging to a capitulation

dēdī, dēdor, dēditus sumsurrender one’s self, capitulate, give up one’s self, apply one’s self, devote one’s self, dedicate one’s self

sē dēdere, mē dēdō, mē dēdidīsurrender one’s self, capitulate, give up one’s self, apply one’s self, devote one’s self, dedicate one’s self

urbem ad dēditiōnem perpellōforce the city to surrender


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