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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
commūtāre, commūtō, commūtāvī, commūtātumalter wholly, change entirely, change one’s form of expression, vary one's style, exchange something with another, change, interchange, replace, substitute, barter, traffic, make an exchange, exchange words, discourse, converse

in huius locum substituortake his place, substitute

subdere, subdō, subdidī, subditumput in the place of another person or thing, substitute, put something spurious in the place of another person or thing, substitute falsely, forge, counterfeit, make up

subiungere, subiungō, subiūnxī, subiūnctumjoin to, add to, annex, affix, subjoin, ring under, make subject, subordinate, subdue, subject, subjugate, put in the place of, substitute

sublegere, sublegō, sublēgī, sublēctumgather from below, gather for underneath, search for underneath, to gather up, catch up secretly, catch up by stealth, kidnap, overhear, choose in the place of another, elect in the place of another, substitute

subrogāre, subrogō, subrogāvī, subrogātumcause to be chosen in place of another, put in another’s place, substitute

suppōnere, suppōnō, supposuī, suppositumput under, place under, set under, put in the place of another, substitute, substitute falsely, substitute fraudulently, falsify, forge, counterfeit, place as a pledge, hypothecate, add, annex, subjoin, make subject, subject, submit, set beneath, esteem less

surrogāre, surrogō, surrogāvī, surrogātumcause to be chosen in place of another, put in another’s place, substitute

vicāria, vicāriae ffemale under-slave, substitute, post of deputy

vicārius, vicāriī msubstitute, deputy, proxy, a locum tenens, vicegerent, vicar, adjutant, lieutenant to a military commander, under-servant, underslave

vicegerēns, vicegerentis mDeputy, Substitute

vicēs gerēns, vicēs gerentis mdeputy, substitute

query 1/E (max. 1000): 25 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alicuius partēs agōappear in someone's persona, act the part of someone else, represent someone, stand in for someone, substitute for someone

congluviāles diēsadditional days, substitute days, make-up days

subicere, subiciō, subiēcī, subiectumthrow under, lay under, place under, bring under, bring near, hand to, supply, substitute false for true, forge, counterfeit, submit, subject

submittere, submittō, submīsī, submissumput in the place of, substitute for, supersede, cherish, court, let down, lower, sink, drop, lower, let down, make lower, reduce, moderate, send secretly, despatch secretly, provide secretly, send off, despatch, supply

submūtāre, submūtō, submūtāvīchange, interchange, substitute one thing for another

subsortīrī, subsortior, subsortītus sumchoose by lot as a substitute

substituere, substituō, substituī, substitūtumset under, put under, place under, lay under, set next to, place next to, put instead, put in the place of another, substitute, make second heir, make alternate heir

succenturiāre, succenturiō, succenturiāvi, succenturiātumreceive as a recruit into a centuria, put in the place of another, receive as a substitute

sufficere, sufficiō, suffēcī, suffectumcause to take the place of, supply instead of, furnish as a substitute, be sufficient, suffice, avail for, meet the need of, satisfy

sufficere, sufficiō, suffēcī, suffectumput under, put among, lay the foundation for, put into, dip in, dye, impregnate, imbue, tinge, give, affard, furnish, supply, occupy with, employ in, put in the place of, substitute for another, choose in the place of any one, elect in the place of any one

submittō (summittō), submīsī, submissum, submittereset under, put under, place under, place below, send forth below, put forth below, put from below, cause to spring forth, send up, produce, raise, bring up, rear, raise, let grow, not kill, not cut off, put in the place of, substitute for

summūtāre, summūtō, summūtāvīchange, interchange, substitute one thing for another

vice alicuius fungorstand in for someone, substitute for someone


Wortform von: substitute
[63] Vok. Sgl. m. PPP von substituere, substituō, substituī, substitūtum
stelle darunter; setze an die Stelle von; lege darunter; stelle nach etw.; setze zum zweiten Erben ein; mache zum Beierben; wechsele aus; substituiere; unterwerfe; setze aus; setze ein als; lege daneben; setze daneben; stelle daneben;
[80] Adv. des PPP von substituere, substituō, substituī, substitūtum
stelle darunter; setze an die Stelle von; lege darunter; stelle nach etw.; setze zum zweiten Erben ein; mache zum Beierben; wechsele aus; substituiere; unterwerfe; setze aus; setze ein als; lege daneben; setze daneben; stelle daneben;

3. Belegstellen für "substitute"

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