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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 10 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
argūmentum, argūmentī nevery kind of representation in writing, the subject-matter of a writing, subject, contents, scenic representation of a subject, intrinsic worth, reality, truth, subject of artistic representations, sculpture, painting, embroidery, conclusion, syllogism

argūmentum, argūmentī ntoken, evidence, the matter which lies at the basis of any written or artistic representation, contents, subject, theme, argument

causa, causae ffeigned cause, pretext, pretence, judicial process, lawsuit, party, faction, cause that one defends, relation of friendship, connection, condition, state, situation, relation, position, business undertaken for any one, employment, matter, subject

subdere, subdō, subdidī, subditumput under, place under, set under, lay under, bring under, subject, subdue, bring on, furnish, supply, yield, afford

subicere, subiciō, subiēcī, subiectumthrow under, lay under, place under, bring under, bring near, hand to, supply, substitute false for true, forge, counterfeit, submit, subject

subiectum, subiectī nsubject

subigere, subigō, subēgī, subāctumbring under, get under, bring up, get up, bring up to any place, turn up from beneath, break up, dig up, plough, cultivate, work, knead, rub down, sharpen, whet, tame, break, put down, overcome, conquer, subjugate, subject, subdue

subiugāre, subiugō, subiugāvī, subiugātumbring under the yoke, subject, subjugate

subiungere, subiungō, subiūnxī, subiūnctumjoin to, add to, annex, affix, subjoin, ring under, make subject, subordinate, subdue, subject, subjugate, put in the place of, substitute

suppōnere, suppōnō, supposuī, suppositumput under, place under, set under, put in the place of another, substitute, substitute falsely, substitute fraudulently, falsify, forge, counterfeit, place as a pledge, hypothecate, add, annex, subjoin, make subject, subject, submit, set beneath, esteem less

query 1/E (max. 1000): 50 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā dīgressiōne ad rem redeōreturn to the subject

aliquem pōscō causam disserendīrequire someone to know the subject of the discussion

aliquem sub (in) potestātem Rōmānōrum redigōsubject someone to the Romans

aliquid in contrōversiam addūcōmake something the subject of dispute

aliquid in contrōversiam vocōmake something the subject of dispute

aliquid in disceptātiōnem vocōput something up for discussion, argue about something, make something the subject of the dispute

amplificāre, amplificō, amplificāvī, amplificātummake wide, widen, extend, enlarge, increase, strengthen, place a subject in some way in a clearer light, amplify, dilate upon, enlarge upon

cantāre, cantō, cantāvī, cantātummake something the subject of one’s singing, playing or song, sing, celebrate or praise in song, sing of, write poetry upon, represent a part, act

causārī, causō, causāvīplead, dispute concerning a subject, discuss it for and against, debate a question, give as a reason for something, make a pretext of, pretend

causāri, causor, causātus sum (= προφασίζομαι)plead, dispute concerning a subject, discuss it for and against, debate a question, give as a reason for something, make a pretext of, pretend

caussāri, caussor, caussātus sumplead, dispute concerning a subject, discuss it for and against, debate a question, give as a reason for something, make a pretext of, pretend

commissōrius, commissōria, commissōriumon reservation, subject to payment

commūtābilis, commūtābilesubject to change, changeable

coniectiō, coniectiōnis fa hurling, throwing, putting together, comparing, inference, conjecture, interpretation, the draft of a law-case, summary of a law-case, outline of a law-case, a controverted question, subject of a controversy

cōnstituō, quid et quāle sit, dē quō disputēturdetermine the subject of the investigation by its nature and character

cōnsultātiō, cōnsultātiōnis fa mature deliberation, consideration, consultation, subject of consultation, case proposed for decision, an inquiry concerning a case in law, , general inquiry upon a subject, a consideration of a principle, an asking for instructions,

contrōversus, contrōversa, contrōversumturned against, in an opposite direction, lying opposite, that is the subject of dispute, controverted, disputed, questionable

cothurnus, cothurnī m (κόθορνος)high Grecian shoe, high Grecian hunting-boot, high shoe worn by tragic actors, tragedy, subject of tragedy, elevated poetic style, elevation, majesty

coturnus, coturnī mhigh Grecian shoe, high Grecian hunting-boot, high shoe worn by tragic actors, tragedy, subject of tragedy, elevated poetic style, elevation, majesty

dēclāmātiō, dēclāmātiōnis fexercise in oratorical delivery, exercise or practice in speaking, declamation, theme, subject for declamation, loud talking, eager talking, bawling

decumātēs, decumātium mland subject to tithes, land subject to tribute, tithe-land

dēservīre, dēserviō, dēserviīserve zealously, be devoted to, subject to

diciōnī alicuius obnoxius sumbe subject to someone

dicōnī alicuius subiectus sumbe subject to someone

diligenter perpendō, perpendī, perpēnsumcheck carefully, check precisely, check rigorously, check thoroughly, subject to careful scrutiny, weigh up carefully and from all sides

sequestre, sequestris nthe deposit of a subject of dispute with a third person

subiacēre, subiaceō, subiacuīlie under any thing, lie near any thing, be under, subject to any thing, belong to, be connected with

subiectīvus, subiectīva, subiectīvumbelonging to the subject of a proposition, subjective

subservīre, subserviōbe subject to, serve, comply with, humor, accommodate one’s self to

thema, thematis n (θέμα)treated subject, treated topic, theme, position of the celestial signs at one’s birth, nativity, horoscope

torminōsus, torminōsa, torminōsumsubject to the gripes, suffering from colic

tractātiō, tractātiōnis fhandling, management, treatment, treatment of a person, conduct, behavior, discussion of a subject, special use of a word, special usage of a word

trānsīre, trānseō, trānsiī (trānsīvī), trānsitumpierce, transfix, overpass, surpass, excel, go quickly through a subject, go briefly through a subject, leave untouched, elapse, spend, pass beyond, pass away, cease

tussiculōsus, tussiculōsa, tussiculōsumcoughing much, subject to a cough

ulcus tangō (attingō)touch a sore spot, touch on a delicate subject

ulcus, ulceris n (ἕλκος)sore spot, delicate subject

uxōrī nūbere nōlō meaewill not be subject to my wife

uxōrium mē praebeōI am subject to my wife, I am under the slipper

vectīgālis, vectīgālebelonging to imposts, belonging to taxes, paying tribute, subject to imposts, tributary, belonging to the revenue, that brings in revenue, that brings in income

vīta multīs cāsibus subiacetlife is subject to many vicissitudes


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