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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
caractēr, caractēris m (Akk. Sgl. caractēra)instrument for branding, instrument for marking, the mark burned, the sign imprinted, characteristic, mark, character, style

charactēr, charactēris m (Akk. Sgl. charactēra)an instrument for branding or marking, the mark or sign burned or imprinted, a characteristic, mark, character, style

charactērium, charactēriī nan instrument for branding or marking, the mark or sign burned or imprinted, a characteristic, mark, character, style

color, colōris mcolor, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

colōs, colōris m (altlat.)color, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

comprehēnsiō, comprehēnsiōnis fa seizing or laying hold of with the hands, hostile seizure, arresting, catching, apprehending, a mental comprehending, perceiving, comprehension, perception, idea, power to unite and grasp as a whole things which belong together, expression, style, period

comprēnsiō, comprēnsiōnis fa seizing or laying hold of with the hands, hostile seizure, arresting, catching, apprehending, a mental comprehending, perceiving, comprehension, perception, idea, power to unite and grasp as a whole things which belong together, expression, style, period

dictiō, dictiōnis fsaying, speaking, uttering, delivery, style, diction, mode of expression, word, oracular response, prediction, art of speaking, oratory

sermō, sermōnis mspeaking with any one, talking with any one, talk, conversation, discourse, disputation, discussion, speech, language of conversation, common talk, manner of speaking, mode of expression, language, style, diction

sonus, sonī mnoise, sound, tone, character, style

stilus, stilī mstake, pale, style, setting down in writing, composing, composition, practice of composing, manner of writing, mode of composition, manner of speaking, mode of expression, style in speaking, decision, verdict, opinion

query 1/E (max. 1000): 41 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aequābilitās, aequābilitātis fquality of aequabilis, equality, uniformity, evenness, equability, equity, justice, impartiality, uniformity of style

ampullāri, ampullor (ληκυθίζω)make use of a bombastic style of discours

antīquēin former times, of old, anciently, from ancient times, in the old way, in the old style, in the old fashion

antīquitusin former times, of old, anciently, from ancient times, in the old way, in the old style, in the old fashion

Asiānī, Asiānōrum morators who employ a peculiarly bombastic or redundant style

asteïsmos, asteïsmī mthe more refined style of speaking

astismos, astismī mthe more refined style of speaking

astrictum et collēctum dīcendī genusconcise and crowded style of speaking

astysmus, astysmi mthe more refined style of speaking

basilicēroyally, in princely style, in magnificent style, wholly, completely

coctūra, coctūrae fcooking, melting, manner of cooking, style of cooking, a temperature of the air adapted to the ripening (of fruit), a boiling liquid

commūnī monētāof the common stamp, in ordinary style

commūtāre, commūtō, commūtāvī, commūtātumalter wholly, change entirely, change one’s form of expression, vary one's style, exchange something with another, change, interchange, replace, substitute, barter, traffic, make an exchange, exchange words, discourse, converse

cothurnus, cothurnī m (κόθορνος)high Grecian shoe, high Grecian hunting-boot, high shoe worn by tragic actors, tragedy, subject of tragedy, elevated poetic style, elevation, majesty

coturnus, coturnī mhigh Grecian shoe, high Grecian hunting-boot, high shoe worn by tragic actors, tragedy, subject of tragedy, elevated poetic style, elevation, majesty

crīnēs compōnōstyle the hair

crīnēs oblīquōstyle the hair sideways

cultus, cultūs mcare directed to the refinement of life, arrangements for living, style of life, manner of life, elegance, polish, civilization, refinement, luxury, voluptuousness, wantonness

cultus, cultūs mstyle of dress, external appearance, clothing, dress, garb, apparel, attire, ornament, decoration, splendid dress, splendor

dēfōrmitās, dēfōrmitātis fdeformity, ugliness, hideousness, baseness, vileness, deformity of character, an uncouth style

scrīptōrium, scrīptōriī nmetallic style for writing on wax tablets

tractus ōrātiōnislow-key style of speech, calm movement of speech

tragicus, tragica, tragicum (τραγικός) [poëma, poëta]belonging to tragedy, tragic, in the tragic style, lofty, grand, sublime, of a tragic nature, tragic, horrible, fearful, terrible

tragoedia, tragoediae ftragedy, art of tragedy, lofty style, elevated style, great commotion, great disturbance, spectacle

tuātimaccording to your style, after your kind, on your way

tuba, tubae ftrumpet, war-trumpet, signal for war, war, loud sound, roar of thunder, sonorous elevated epic poetry, lofty style of speaking, exciter, author, instigator

verbōrum tenuitāsplain speaking style, unpretentious style of speech

vōmer, vōmeris mploughshare, style for writing with

vōmeris, vōmeris mploughshare, style for writing with

vōmis, vōmeris mploughshare, style for writing with


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